Bad Performance Review

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Long ago I had the experience of receiving a bad performance review. It was easy to feel personally offended by criticism during my job performance review. However, my supervisor did not attack me personally, I had no reason to be offended. Actually, little did I know, my review was meant to be a constructive exercise aimed at improving my work, not aimed at undermining me or making me feel bad about myself. Pynes states, " Conversation during the performance review should focus on specific job related tasks, responsibilities, or behaviors. Be impersonal-stay focused on job performance standards and responsibilities, be goal oriented, and ensure understanding."( Pynes 2013 p.320.) Once I had a chance to calmly and objectively think about my …show more content…

It was evident that I get the help or training I needed to improve. I was told I had potential and if I was interested the company would groom me for more responsibility. I actually took my initial criticism as a hidden compliment-training is expensive and a sign that my company is invested in my growth with them. Shortly after my review period, I looked for opportunities to show my improvement. I made it a point to bring up my improvement during a scheduled meeting or one-on-one talk and I would back up my claims with evidence. It was difficult, but I kept a positive mood after a negative review. I new being visibly sad or sullen on the job could reflect poorly on my work, making me look like an under-performer even if I was taking other steps to improve my output. I let my supervisor know that I was serious about improving my performance, and I did not want to be caught blindsided again. I understood it was important to remember that I was a part of a team, I was supposed to be growing and developing as a smarter, better employee. Reminiscing from my review, my manager did actually define the companies goals for the future, and how I did have the opportunity to excel within this company and move forward with them as a

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