Background And Orientation Essay

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Background and Orientation The most basic explanation found for packaging is “materials used to wrap or protect goods.” however today that definition has expanded based on the development of packaging through the years. The Oxford dictionary describes packaging design as the “science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use” According to researches packaging has progressed from containers provided by nature, to the more complexed use of materials and process providing a change to what is displayed on the grocery shelves today. Several factors contributed to the reason for packaging of which included, competition in the marketplace as well as shifting lifestyles, as the market of goods grew, consumers went from purchasing goods they needed to selecting a product based on the unique design and label to decorate their counter tops, making consumer choice a very large factor in packaging. Need for the study “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” ~ Albert Einstein There is a wide variety of opinions about how and why perceptions are formed, however the most basic result is that perceptions are a form of stereotyping, which is used to recognize what our brain wants to see. These perceptions can enable us to automatically draw up conclusions which may or may not capture the truth of the situation On a day to day basis we make these conclusions when picking up an item on a shelf, we base our opinion on the design of packaging rather than its contents, raising the question weather or not the society we live in has made us change our shopping experience to buying what we want based on what we see, to what we actually need. (Marc Barros 2014) Purpose an... ... middle of paper ... into buying an item. Glossary of terms Packaging design- Packaging is the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation Aesthetics- A set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, esp. in art. 4 References Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior offers consumers greater satisfaction. Available: Accessed: 2 April 2014 Time Available:,9171,1653659,00.html Acessed: 6th April 2014 MARC BARROS. Available: Accessed:2nd April 2014 International Journal of Design. Available: Accessed: 2nd April 2014

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