BUS2760 Week 1 Assignment

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1. One way to help Caroline overcome her reputation of being passionless

about her job is to focus on the positive aspects within her field. For

instance, Caroline stated that she receives satisfaction from seeing smiling

children. Another way for Caroline to overcome her passionless feelings

she has for her job is to set goals and trials throughout the year to make

her job more challenging as well as competitive to increase her interest

and passion. When a job is challenging it captures the interest of

employees and increases employee morale if rewards and special

recognition is given to distinguished workers. Caroline can ask her

manager about creating small competitions and prizes between …show more content…

The level of

recognition by both colleagues and management could be what’s effecting


her dissatisfaction in the workplace. The lack of motivation that is present in

the workplace is also what could be hindering her satisfaction as well.

5. After additional research I found other factors in the Herzberg theory that

effects employee motivation. Factors such as company policies, supervision,

relationships with supervisor and peers, as well as work conditions, salary, and

status. After additional research of the Equity theory I found that individuals

who perceive themselves as either under-rewarded or over-rewarded will

experience distress, and that this distress leads to efforts to restore equity within

the relationship.Time, loyalty, effort, tolerance, flexibility, enthusiasm, personal

sacrifice, skill and trust in superiors are all possible inputs in equity. Outcomes are

'hard' factors, such as salary, job security and employee benefits, these usually

extend to less noticeable aspects such as praise, sense of achievement,

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