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Evelyn Dyer
Mrs. Vogel
AP English
3 January 2018
Ayn Rand: The Conflict Between Individualism and Collectivism Ayn Rand is a Russian-American author who wrote about her philosophy, Objectivism. Objectivism is the philosophy of rational individualism. Throughout her novel, The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand routinely endorses the individualists thinking and way of life. However, there is always an opposing side. Collectivism is the philosophy that the community comes before the singular man, and sometimes that must require sacrifice. In the Fountainhead, Ayn Rand presents the conflict between individualism and collectivism through her characters such as Howard Roark and Ellsworth Toohey. Ayn Rand was a great believer in the individualist way of life. Throughout the novel she convinced the audience that
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People praise new inventions and ambitious people that know what they want in life. Back in the day, “The great creators—the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors—stood alone against the men of their time. Every great new thought was opposed. Every great new invention was denounced. The first motor was considered foolish. The airplane was considered impossible. The power loom was considered vicious. Anesthesia was considered sinful. But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They fought, they suffered and they paid. But they won.” (Rand 678). That is not necessarily the case today. Most praise it however, there are still some that oppose it. Although individualism is praised today more than it used to be, collectivism is still highly praised more. One major example of a collectivist is Ellen Degeneres. She praises those who give up their life’s work to support and provide for others. In today’s American society Ellen is the figurehead for a collectivist. Despite all of this, Ayn Rand has greatly brought these different ways of thinking into the light by writing the book, The
Ayn Rand's classic story of one man's desire to become an individual in a nameless society presents a compelling refutation of collectivism in all forms. The hero, labeled "Equality 7-2521" by the State, chooses to challenge conventional authority as he learns the joys of experimentation and discovery, the ecstasy of human love, the challenge and fairness of liberty, and the happiness of self-interest. Equality 7-2521 writes three unique phrases in his journal: 1. "My happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to an end. It is the end.", 2. "We know that we are evil, but there is no will in us and no power to resist it.", 3. "The word 'We' . . . must never be placed first within man's soul.". These phrases will be discussed individually in the remainder of this essay.
Ayn Rand, in Anthem, illustrates a futuristic, socialist society. In the novel, Rand destroys any sense of individuality and describes the social setbacks endured after living ‘only for the brotherhood’. The individual person fails to exist and is but a ‘we’ and recognized by a word and a series of numbers rather than a name. Additionally, she describes the horrors encountered within this different system of life: from reproduction methods to punishments. Through the life of Equality 7-2521, Rand demonstrates a person’s journey from obedience to exile in this socialist society. Throughout the entire novel, Rand criticizes Marxist theory as she demonstrates socialism’s failure to suppress revolution, thwart material dialectic, and its detriment to humanity.
Anthem, by Ayn Rand, is a very unique novel. It encircles individualism and makes the reader think of how people can conform to society and do as they are told without knowing the consequences and results of their decisions. Also, it teaches the importance of self expression and the freedom that comes along with being your own person and having the power to choose what path to take in life. Figurative language is used often in this book and in a variety of quotes that have great importance to the theme, plot, and conflict of the novel.
Ayn Rand’s Anthem is a politically satirical novel is set in a future society that is so highly collectivized that the word “I” has been banned. The world is governed by various councils who believe that man’s sole reason for existence is to enforce the Great Truth “that all men are one and that there is no will save the will of all men together” (Rand, 20). Any indication of an individual’s independent spirit is swiftly and brutally put down, with the transgressors being punished with severe prison sentences or even death.
In a society, at what point does uniting to benefit the greater good suppress one’s right to possess individuality? The social and political construct of utmost unity is called collectivism, or the practice of emphasizing a whole picture rather than each individual component. The common theme of collectivism versus individualism is prevalent within the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, wherein the individual motivations of the members of society are suppressed without their knowledge. While contributing to the greater good may have its appeal, one must learn that for this to be possible, individual sacrifices are necessary. The ultimately collectivist society depicted in Anthem is justified by its rulers through ideas of
The word collectivism often makes people cringe. Overall, there is a general fear of not being able to make personal decisions in America. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, collectivism can be defined as; emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity (“Collectivism”). In Anthem, Ayn Rand describes an extreme collectivist society. Although Anthem’s society seems extremely surreal, aspects of its collectivist society closely mirror today’s society.
To understand Peter Keating's character, we must first examine the foundation of Objectivism. Nathaniel Branden, once a close associate to Ayn Rand, in a personal statement entitled, "The Benefits and Hazards of the Philosophy of Ayn Rand, listed some...
People living in this collectivist society have been indoctrinated into believing in, and only in the power of “we”. Ayn Rand communicates in the novella Anthem, that despite the indoctrination process, individualism will break through the chains of collectivism.
Ms. Rand’s portrayal of collectivism is astounding. She went to the extreme in her detail to get attention; and attention is what she got. The attention that Ayn drew to her book, Anthem, brought an awareness that was necessary in order to help people move past collectivism and selflessness. It was started that “The values at stake in Anthem are not merely those of the central character; they are the professed values of an entire civilization—our own” (Ayn Rand) Civilizations have been affected by authors openly sharing views to make others aware. Ayn Rand’s writings are affecting
The Russo-American author who founded the philosophical system of “Objectivism” Ayn Rand. A person who immigrated to the United States back in the late 20s. "Anthem", is a novella she wrote that was originally published in 1938 in the United Kingdom. A valuable thing this novella teaches the reader is how powerful individual thought and creativity is, how precious it is to think the way you want to and not have to abide to what others think or say. This story depicts a world in the future, a collectivist dictatorship in which Individuality and Creativity are crimes.
Ayn Rand propagated her philosophy of Objectivism through her book The Fountainhead, and Howard Roark, the hero of the novel, is seen as a personification of her ideals. The idea of selfishness being a vice is refuted, and altruism is seen as a device to reduce humanity into collective mediocrity.
According to Ayn Rand and her book the Anthem, Having a collectivistic society is a big problem and the world is better off with an individualistic thinking society. I disagree with Ayn Rands’ thoughts to argue that with free thinking what has ever changed? There’s always a discrepancy between freedom of speech and freedom in general but rather are the rules being made by these individualist that Ayn Rand spoke of the cause of more good than evil for the entire society.
Ernest Hemingway and Ayn Rand, as made evident both by Tobias Wolff’s Old School and also by their own works of writing, are two authors with completely different styles, beliefs, and objectives (no pun intended). While Hemingway was a daring man who wrote about war and adventure, Rand was a political activist who wrote about her beliefs and philosophies. Hemingway’s award-winning novels are classics, admired by the masses. Rand’s bestsellers, while popular among a niche group of followers, receive harsh criticism and even hate. The works of Hemingway and Rand are both influential, but in very different ways; Hemingway’s writing is relatable, imbued with universal truth, but Rand’s work is based around Objectivism, a philosophy that makes her writing feel tacky and unrealistic.
Throughout the course of this semester learning about different ethical theories and principles, has given me multiple different outlooks that I would have never thought would be so impactful to my life. These different outlooks I’ve had, have made me feel differently towards everyday situations. For example, Ayn Rand had a theory of objectivism in which case a person’s own life and happiness is the ultimate goal/good. After learning this I believed it was totally wrong, and made me determine how I could be more selfless. Another experiment that sparked my interest was the Stanford Prison experiment, where students were designated different positions either a guard or prisoner. Looking at the tragedy that occurred throughout the experiment,
Ayn Rand’s followed the idea of ethical egoism. This idea wants people to do what is in their own self-interest. That is why she does not believe in the idea of Altruism. She even stated, “Altruism, she thought, leads to a denial of the value of the individual” (page 73). This belief thinks that you should put others before yourself. In the book it also stated it stated this about egoism, “This is the morality of selfishness. It holds that our only duty is to do what is best for ourselves. Other people matter only insofar as they can benefit us” (page 65). In other words she believes that the only reason why you are helping someone is because in some type of way you are getting something out of it.