Aurophobia And Gold Stereotypes

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Romero Carbone Arya Romero Carbone Mr.Winn Period 2-3 6th grade ELA 20 october 2017 Aurophobia/gold phobia Do you have a phobia, I am writing about the phobia of gold. The scientific name is aurophobia. Aurophobia is when someone is afraid of gold. The people with aurophobia might not like it because of what it represents in the world. Or because if people think of gold they think of power and if they have gold they are powerful. That's not necessarily true. But they can’t see that. There are some symptoms to this phobia. Some of the symptoms are nausea and headaches. It could also be hard to breath like you have shortness of breath. . You could also be sweating a lot and your mouth could be dry. You might even be shaking. The symptoms

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