Phobias Essays

  • Phobias

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    Aracniphobi, the fear of spiders, might be one of the first phobias to come across someone’s lips. One of my phobias is Cynophobia, or the fear of dogs. There are many things that scare people, but when someone starts thinking of college, fear is not the first thing that pops into their head. Usually, it’s things like staying up late, freedom, and being on your own that makes everyone jump for joy to leave their parent’s nest. I feel fear. I’m afraid to an extent. I know that it won’t be the being

  • Phobias

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    Phobias Phobias are a very common disorder in the United States these days. The definition for phobia is "an abnormal or morbid fear or aversion" ("Oxford" 655). To be considered a phobia, a fear must cause great distress or interfere with a person’s life in a major way. The word phobia is Greek, therefore, any word that proceeds it should be Greek too. To coin a new phobia name, it is proper and only accepted to follow this rule. The rule has been broken many times in the past, especially

  • Phobia Essay

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    are called phobias. There are over five hundred (500) types of phobias with a specific name, classification and description of that phobia. Phobias can become very extreme and hard to deal with if not treated after a certain amount of time. From understanding what a phobia is, the history, statistical facts, signs/symptoms and different types of treatment one can learn and understand that phobias are a serious matter and can be treated for. As long as a person understands what phobia they have, commit

  • The Treatment of Phobias

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    but this is quite different from having a phobia. A phobia is an irrational distress with a particular object or concept/idea. Although fears are well known now, they do not have to disrupt the lives of those who are living them. Throughout the essay there will be three different treatments with three different phobias in ways to cure a phobia; the first is a trauma-focused treatment approach for travel phobia, assessment and treatment for childhood phobias, and hypnosis in facilitating clinical treatment

  • Essay On Phobias

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    This essay will assess the different categories of phobias and briefly summarize talk therapy and cognitive behavioral theories regarding attaining and maintenance of phobic disorders. A phobia is an irrational fear that creates internal feeling and apprehension, perceived as real with physiological responses such as heart palpitations, trembling and sweating. Depending upon the severity, phobias may interfere with the level of functioning in various settings: academic, occupational, or at home

  • Phobias Essay

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    to get it out. However, it is not impossible! Phobias are one thing we choose to feed our mind. Fear of spiders, fear of heights, fear of public speaking, fear of small spaces and etc. Fears like these are considered phobias. A lot of people choose to think of a traumatic event that has happened and use that to stimulate the brain to create the phobia of the actions taking place. Most phobias can be identified by symptoms. People tend to think phobias are impossible to treat, but there are some treatments

  • Specific Phobias

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    Therapy (VRET) in Treating Specific Phobia Specific phobia, described in DSM-V, is a certain kind of anxiety disorder, in which a patient experiences an amount of unreasonable intense fear for certain objects or situations. Stimulators include animals, natural environment, situations and blood injection injury (APA, 2013). Intense fear and extreme anxiety generally result in patients with social impairment. In the United States, the lifetime prevalence for specific phobia is 12.5% (Kessler & Chiu, 2005)

  • The History of Phobias

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    Phobias have been in existence for many years. Phobias date back to the works of Hippocrates, a prehistoric Greek physician (Korgeski, 2009). The works of Hippocrates are still debated today. In The Seventh Book of Epidemics, one of the publications by Hippocrates, he studied an individual and he interpreted a condition that the person portrayed. The results of the observation were that the individual was petrified of the sound of a flute, if he wasn’t intoxicated. He noticed the individual was

  • Phobia Essay

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    Phobia is the fear of a situation or object, which is not dangerous or troublesome to other people. Phobias range from someone being fearful of spiders to attending school. Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that can overtake someone’s life. It can limit his or her social and mental life if not treated. Theories have been deprive from studies discussing what causes phobias and how it can affect the person’s life. Phobias vary from every person because everyone has a different perspective on an

  • Phobias Essay

    892 Words  | 2 Pages

    Development of Phobias Phobias have been in existence for many years. As humans we fear things that are life threatening and unnatural. Someone who has an irrational fear of something is considered a phobia, which is an extreme illogical fear or dislike of something. Fear is a very common emotion which distinguishes from phobia regarding the severe distress someone with a phobia goes through. Fear is a rationalized and instinctive emotion that comes in response to a threatening situation. The reaction

  • Phobias Essay

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    Phobias Fear is what many people have and it means that they are afraid of something or someone, but fear is just one thing, phobias is a completely different thing. Phobias is not just a silly little fear, it is an extreme, irrational, and excessive fear of certain things or situations that can negatively affect someone's life. There are many different types of phobias for different situations. Some examples of phobias, Mysophobia, Acrophobia, Arachnophobia, and plenty more. According to the website

  • Phobias In Psychology

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    psychiatrist to check if you have a phobia. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. Having a fear of something and a having a phobia is said to be the same, but in psychology it is agreed to be divergent because having a phobia goes way beyond a fear. The word phobia comes from the greek word phobos, which means excessive fear or terror. There are a plethora of phobias that exist. Phobias can be divided into subcategories

  • Phobias Essay

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    far? People with phobias feel a cold sweat drop from their faces, their pupils dilated,shaking at the sight of stop-lights or does not have the heart to cross rivers, it is most likely a phobia. It is an irrational fear that takes over someone's mind and prevents them to surmount obstacles in their life. They can range from something as scary as spiders to something as strange as paper-towel rolls. Like Lea Winerman, a writer for American Psychology Association, states, “ All phobias are anxiety disorders

  • Phobias Explained

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    single piece of washed and ironed clothing into its own sealed plastic bag. She wasn't just afraid of spiders; she had arachnophobia, a phobia, not to be confused with a simple fear. Phobias are not simple; they are complex in both their origin and diagnosis, with many types that people suffer from and any number of treatments exist to date. What is a phobia? Phobias are described as "a persistent, irrational fear of an object, activity or situation that compels a person to avoid it, and causes distress

  • Type of Phobias

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    There are three main categories that a phobia can fall under. The three categories are as follows. First, Specific phobias, which are usually your phobias of something such as spiders, clowns or even something like your dentist. Specific phobias fall under a category of simple phobias. A simple phobia is something, or someone that people are disproportionately fearful of. The next two categories of phobias are considered complex phobias. These phobias are inter connected to the memory. They usually

  • Informative Speech On Phobias

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    a. Attention Getter: According to the article “Phobia Statistics” from, “Nearly 15-20% of us experience specific phobias at least once in our life. In the U.S., nearly 8.7% of people (aged 18 and over) have at least one extreme specific fear and nearly 25 million Americans report having the fear of flying phobia. b. Introduce Topic: A phobia as defined by, “is an irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has a relentless dread of a situation

  • Social Phobias Essay

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    categorized as a phobia. Living a life with constant fear that interferes with a person’s everyday life would be categorized as an anxiety disorder. Joseph Wolpe developed a way which systematic desensitization, a form of psychotherapy, can help a person gradually decrease their anxiety or fear for a certain situation. He used neuroses, a group of psychological

  • Essay About Phobias

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    Strange Phobias and Why People Have Them What is it about the smaller things in life that makes humans terrified? Why are some people afraid of something that will obviously never happen to them, while others are oblivious to the problems around them? The people who are afraid of things that pose little to no danger to them have some type of phobia. A phobia can range from sociophobia, which is the fear of being judged by society, to sesquipedalophobia, which is the fear of long words. Phobias come

  • Effects of Phobias on People

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    Phobias are an unreasonable yet strong fear of a certain object, class of objects, or situation (Bruce). Phobia sufferers experience fear and a strong desire to escape whenever they encounter the phobic object or situation. Most people are able to avoid the object of their phobia or endure it with some mild distress. However, when a phobia causes personal distress or when avoidance of it interferes with a person’s ability to carry out normal activities, mental health professionals classify it as

  • Persuasive Essay On Phobias

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    feeling relieved. This irrational fear is called a phobia. Phobias are diagnosed as an irrational fear to a situation, activity, or object/animal/person. A phobia is a feeling of extreme fear, even though the stimuli to cause