Audrie Monologue

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It was October 31 2017 aka HALLOWEEN. We meet Reese and Audrie. Two best friends and they will be friends for as long as they live for they say. It was 5:30 of October 31 and Reese was trying to find green shoes that matched her costume. She was going to be a Cactus. “ Audrie what are you going to be?” asked Reese. “ I am going to be Pocahontas tonight.” revealed Audrie. “Reese and Audrie come down for breakfast” hollered Audrie’s mom. So they ate breakfast and went back upstairs to Audrie’s room. To play pin the brain on the Frankenstein and Spin the mummy and time passed It was 2:30 and Audrie and Reese started putting makeup on for their costumes. Reese used all of the different kinds of green eye shadow and light green lip gloss she …show more content…

The Vampires creping and mummies moaning. Audrie and Reese are ready to TRICK-OR-TREAT! So time passed it was 6:40 and their candy bags were halfway full. “Hey Audrie should we go back to your house or get more candy?’’ “Get more candy!” Said both Audrie and Reese. So an hour passed and they had to go back to Audrie’s house and get another bag for the rest of the candy that they got. 45 min later they decided to go back to Audrie’s house. When they got there they heard someone's voice “HEY GUYS IT’S IS ME AUBREY RETTING CAN YOU GUYS COME OVER FOR A LITTLE BIT SO I CAN STAY UP LATER?” “THANKS BUT NO THANKS!” replied Audrie. Then they go into her Audrie’s house. They ate candy and watched movies and fell asleep in Audrie’s basement. They woke up at 3:07 and heard some noises so they sat up and saw candy wrappers on the floor and heard the person go up stairs and out the door. So Reese and Audrie got out of bed on saw their bags of candy were gone. So they got dressed and put their shoes on and got their coats on and went outside and saw a trail of candy wrappers. So Reese and Audrie followed the trail of the candy wrappers. So the wrappers ended into a creepy house so Audrie and Reese went into the house and saw the wrappers that led to a room. Then Audrie said “ Hey Reese does this house look creepy to you? “ and Reese did not respond. Reese was gone! “ REESE REESE

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