Attention Getter For Communication

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I. (Attention getter): (show picture of badly communicates message through text)
A. Communication is key is any society. If we were unable to communicate with one another then how could our society grow and get better.
B. Communication happens every day in our lives but how effective is that communication.

II. (Topic justification introduce topic establish controversy): Communication happens every day through phone calls, emails, text message and face to face interaction. Effective communication allows people to send and receive information and ideas from one another clearly, efficiently while still being convenient.

III. (Credibility statement): According to Kenneth Burke 18.7 billion texts are sent worldwide every day. This doesn't count message sent over Facebook or other social media sites with combine to over 60 billion texts sent every day (Burke). Texting is clearly a common way for people to communicate but is it an effective form of communication? …show more content…

(Preview/thesis): Today I’m going to talk about texting as a form of communication.
A. First I will talk about how texting does not portray all information from the sender to the receiver,
B. Second I will explain its

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