Assignment 1: Journal Entry Analysis

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Journal Entry 1 Studying unit one has done a lot for me, specifically knowing who I am and how I fit in not only in business but the world in general. Throughout this unit there were several eye opening assessments including what I felt to be the most important, “Self-Awareness”, “Emotional Intelligence” and “Defining Issues”. During each assessment I could see my opinions changing and was given a different perspective by answering questions, they truly made me acknowledge opportunities I had in life. The self-awareness assessment was probably the most useful for me out of them all. One of the questions asked was “I feel in charge of what happens to me, good and bad”. When I first answered the question I gave myself a 6 because I completely felt in the beginning that everything that happens in like to me is completely up to me, I determine if I do well in school, work or in relationships and the route that I personally take in these positions in life are going to determine my success. However, after beginning to understanding what it really means to be self-aware I’ve noticed I can be to narrow minded preventing me from working effectively on teams, my attitude toward not asking for help, other opinions then only doing what I think is right could lead to my dismay. I’ve made it appoint to being more open to bringing others into my decision …show more content…

It was hard for me to look at the questions and answer them honestly out of embarrassment to myself. When I finished the sentence “I get really upset, I” answered it with “tend to blow up and let off steam”; even though I really wanted to answer “Analyze why I am so disturbed”. When asking myself this, I realized my opportunity and promised myself that from that point forward I would do a variety of different things out of my norm. I would take a moment to breath, ask myself why I’m angry and think of how the most intelligent people I know would handle the

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