Aspects of Pilgrimage

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Aspects of Pilgrimage

In this piece of coursework, I will discuss what is involved in

pilgrimage. After this, I will discuss what goes on in specific places

of pilgrimage, such as in Lourdes and Taize, and how they differ from

one another. I will also explain the meaning of pilgrimage to answer

the question "what is involved in pilgrimage?" and mention who goes on


A pilgrimage is a journey with religious significance and is found in

the great religions of the world. It is a journey to holy places to

confirm people's own faith in God. It can express penance for past

evils, or the search for future good and seek a miracle through God or

a saint. People may need special help from someone else and perhaps

this is why they go on pilgrimages. Often people find mixing with

others of the same faith as themselves helps them to follow it more

closely. At home they might not have time to talk about religion, but

on a pilgrimage there are plenty of chances. They are always

surrounded by people who share their beliefs and they are all in the

same place for the same reason. They all worship God together and care

for each other and people on pilgrimage might feel they need to thank

God, Mary or a saint for blessings they've received or they might want

to ask God for forgiveness for any sins they may have committed. Some

pilgrims have their own personal reasons for going such as in Lourdes.

The main reason why people go to Lourdes is because it is where Our

Lady appeared to Bernadette and people also visit Lourdes to refresh

their spiritual life and spend time with God to strengthen their

relationship and with him and their faith in him.

Pilgrimages started in the 4th Century when St.

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