Asking For Help

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Prior to completing Skip Downing’s “On Course Self Assessment,” I was starting to realize one of my most sabotaging behaviors. I find it incredibly difficult to say a three-word phrase. When it comes to assisting others, I have no problem lending a helping hand, but I cannot tell anyone that “I need help.” In writing this paper I hope to recognize the roots of my problem and adopt a plan to aid me in overcoming this negative behavior.

After I took the self-assessment and received a low score in the area of interdependence, I began considering options for overcoming my hesitation so that I may become a successful student. The first strategy is to learn that I cannot do everything by myself. Typically, I never ask for assistance in my personal or professional life, and that gives me cause for alarm now that I have enrolled in college full-time. By continuing this behavior, I sometimes resent those that I love because they appear to be getting by with doing hardly anything, when in all fairness, I am the only one to blame. In addition, when I am unsure of how to do something, I am hesitant to ask for help because I feel that makes me seem ignorant or weak. By utilizing the first strategy I have to learn to delegate some responsibilities so that I may concentrate on doing well in all my classes. I also need to start asking for help when I am unsure of something in class so that I will understand the subject matter fully. If I do not, my grades will be affected and that could hinder my chances of being accepted into the nursing program.

Realizing that I am not a failure or a weak person because I need help is the second strategy for learning and utilizing interdependence. No one is perfect, and at some point ...

... middle of paper ... examination, but I must take all the classes seriously and ask for help whenever I need to. I could also learn to be a better nurse if I ask for advice from others who have been in the profession for a while.

Writing a paper about a flaw was a bit difficult for me; however, I am grateful for the opportunity to search within myself for the reasons for my weakness in interdependence while finding solutions to correct that issue. I can see some personal barriers that I must overcome, and I am optimistic that, given time, I will be able to greatly improve in the area of interdependence. In my opinion, college is a learning process in more ways than one. Not only will I be getting the knowledge and skills that I need to be successful in whichever career I choose, I will also be learning more about myself so that I may be more successful in all areas of my life.

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