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Disadvantages of learning styles in teaching methods
Progressivism education philosophy
Progressivism education philosophy
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Recommended: Disadvantages of learning styles in teaching methods
Learning is a part of everyday life and teachers are to credit for it, whether it is teaching a sing-a-long or a life lesson. Teaching is a very important career that allows children a chance to better themselves. Knowing that a child will walk away with a better understanding and feel good about them gives me a great sense of accomplishment. With my love of children and the qualities I bring to the classroom, I feel that as a teacher I can make a difference.
Teachers that show themselves as warm, encourage their students to work harder and strive for success. I believe that teachers are more than an instructor but also a role model and friend. Instruction should be student centered, as John Dewey believed, making learning more interactive and intriguing for them. Therefore, my philosophy reflects greatly upon progressivism. Along with progressivism, I consider myself an idealist and pragmatist, therefore making me eclectic in my beliefs.
My classroom will be very welcoming with bright colors among bulletin boards, posters and projects. Especially for the area I desire to teach, the atmosphere of my classroom will be very influential. I would enjoy teaching anywhere from kindergarten to the third grade. This particular curricular area is the start of a child’s education and will affect the way they learn from that point on. Ultimately, my teaching and leadership styles have to reflect this as well.
The organization of the classroom cannot be so strict that a child of this age will not want to learn. Students in small groups can encourage cooperative learning and show great social skills, both of which are very important. Interactive projects and educational games also stimulate a chi...
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... is very important to help everyone to have a chance.
After graduation, I plan on furthering my education so that I may impart more knowledge to those I come in contact with. I know that I will continue to grow and learn even after school is over and I have my own classroom. Knowing that learning is a life long process, I will carry what I have learned with me till the end of my career.
Although many as the perfect field to settle in do not look upon teaching, I believe that the intrinsic rewards greatly outweigh the extrinsic rewards. The sparkle in a child’s eye because they know how to read or know how to color in the lines is something that years down the road will stick out in my mind. Students need someone with that attitude about them. Teaching to me is very important and teachers are ultimately the ones who make a difference.
The first reward is my desire to work with young people. I want to interact with young people and help them learn and develop. Teaching is a satisfying profession. A national survey suggests that teachers as a group are satisfied with the profession and their level of satisfaction has increased in the last 25 years (Introduction to Teaching, 2007, pg. 5). Being able to help in shaping our young people gives one a great feeling.
My personal philosophy of education is most closely related to progressivism, which is a school of thought advocating that truth is determined by function. Progressivism is an educational philosophy focused on providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary not only to survive but also to succeed in a contemporary and competitive society. William James and John Dewey are accredited for developing the characteristically American philosophy of education that is progressivism.
There are many reasons people decide to enter the teaching field. Some enter because they enjoy working with people or children, others because they like being off during the summer months, and still others because of their love for a particular subject. Although all these reasons are valid, I feel my reasons are much simpler. The bottom line is that I love kids and enjoy working with them. My desire to make learning a more positive experience for them has only increased with time.
The classroom will not be a boring place full of busy work. There will be busy work, homework and of course reading and writing. At times, it will be very tedious, but there also be times of fun and socializing. I will not be the only one teaching my class. My children will teach me as well. I hope to set a time where my students will each can teach me something throughout the time we spend
Doctors, lawyers, politicians, and engineers. How did they all get to where they are today? No matter the position someone may hold in society everyone has progressed to where they are in life because they had a teacher, someone who taught them in the way they should go. Teacher as defined in the dictionary as one who instructs. To teach someone is to communicate skills and give instruction. Today I would like to tell you why I would like to become a teacher. Specifically speaking I will tell you what has led me to this decision and why I want to become a teacher.
William James and John Dewey are accredited for developing the characteristic American philosophy that is progressivism. Progressivism relies on the theory that the student should be the focal point. By adjusting the curriculum and teaching techniques to reflect the student’s needs and interests, the teacher encourages the student’s desire to learn. Another theory of progressivism is that of a democratic system. Students will fare better in life if they are exposed to the ideas and cultures of different ethnicities and personalities early.
Through my own experiences, and as enforced by others' opinions in the profession, I have found that teaching is one of the most rewarding careers. Not only are you placed in the position of instructing and guiding children and young adults through the life long learning process, but you are able to give back to the schools and communities which have supported your early education and experiences that opened you up to a bright future. In becoming an educator, I hope to someday share the knowledge and lend the helping, supportive hand that I was once given, allowing students to formulate their own perspectives of the multicultural society and world around them. Teaching is a career I have been interested in pursuing throughout high school, and as my experiences and study in the field expands, I feel that my desire to teach will grow stronger and develop more soundly.
Progressivism is a theory of education that encourages students to think on their own and create their own ideas to test out. In order, for the students to figure out the answer to their new idea or concept learned with hands on experiences used in the classroom. The progressivist named John Dewey believed that people learned most when their past experiences related to the concepts they are currently learning. This allows the students to connect with their experience that happened in life to the new stuff they would currently learn in the classrooms. In which, the students would engage more to learn about the new ideas or knowledge. Progressivists also believed that education should allow students to learn from each other to create a better society. The teacher’s role in the classroom is to keep in check that the students are on task but not under mind their new ideas while doing an experiment. The methods they use are student focused or orientated such as discussion, mental modeling. The students can engage with their peers and discuss their new ideas or own opinions with other without any judgement of being wrong. Progressivism and epistemology are closed connected because they let students help each other out learn new ideas with the information given by the teachers, and can connect it knowledge they have from previous
In these stages, if a child is not encouraged to expand their horizons, they might become antisocial and have problems with group work and activities in the future. It is also extremely important to encourage individuality as well as equality amongst students. It is good to have the students interact one on one as well as in larger groups. Group work is an important part of life and being able to cooperate with groups in a behavioral manner is crucial. Cognitive retraining, or re-teaching the student basic individual functions may be an excessive step towards eliminating cliques, however, demonstrating how a child should act and interact with others may be necessary.
The first main reason that I have chosen teaching as a profession is because I believe that it’s continuous rewards will help me to lead a happy and fulfilled life. For example, teaching young children is one of the few jobs in which you can give and receive hugs on a daily basis. Children have an innocence and a passion for knowledge that I find amazing and I do not feel complete unless I am around them. Teaching will help provide this fulfillment for me every day. Also, teaching is a job in which it is ok, and even encouraged, to laugh each and every day. I feel that this is important for a person’s well-being and I think that it helps to keep people young and alive. I feel that in many other professions the day-to-day routine would become monotonous and boring, and I do not think that I would live a truly happy and fulfilled life unless I could be around children. I feel that a classroom provides many unique and dynamic opportunities every single day and I find that very appealing. Also, I am a very relationship-oriented person and I feel that I will enjoy building unique relationships with each child. I plan on knowing every child as thoroughly as possible because I feel that this will help me to be better at my job.
I believe that teaching is one of the most important careers that one can have, granted that there are many more jobs that come to mind that have more importance, but they all started with education. Without education society is left with nothing. Although, teaching isn’t just about giving the students the information, it is about building critical thinking, communication, showing their creative side and having them to embrace the information in order to achieve higher standards. I think that education is truly the foundation.
Teaching is a daunting task that I do not intend to take lightly. Becoming a teacher has been a dream of mine for several years. I always knew that teaching would be the career for me, especially when I began working in the school system as a substitute secretary. I loved working in the school environment; coming in contact with children everyday made me realize how much I would enjoy teaching a classroom full of students.
I believe that teaching is the most important profession in the world. How else can we continue to develop in such a technical world, or in any other way, for that matter? Without the transfer of knowledge to young minds, we will stagnate and wither as a world. Teaching is hope for better, more successful futures. Learning is hope for becoming better individuals, for gaining intelligence, and for implementing practical experiences in our future. Since we always tell our children that they should plan for their futures and work to realize those goals, the teaching profession should “practice what it preaches” by helping young people to reach those goals. Teaching reading during the past five years has been rewarding beyond my imagination. I have watched non-readers become readers, I have watched scores and student confidence improve, and I have been part of that change. What a reward!
“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.” John Dewey describes and supports progressivism, an education philosophy that I professionally identify with. Progressivism is a student centered philosophy that focuses on experiences, opportunities, and values that enhance a student 's learning and life. The role of the teacher is to act primarily as a facilitator of learning, they encourage and guide students to explore and promote individual development. As a future educator I believe it is important to involve students and allow them to take responsibility for their own learning and achieving their goals. The role of the student is to discover, engage, and express themselves.
My philosophy of education is a combination of essentialism and progressivism . I feel that knowledge can be learned from a textbook, but I also want my students to use other means of knowledge. I fell in certain times, I should be the center of the classroom and other times, the students should be the center. Education is about the students and I am there to guide them through their journey. I think it's important to let children learn by exploring. By doing this, they choose what information is important and should be retained. When it comes to learning, students should always be in the center. The teachers are only there to mentor and improve upon a child's skills. In my mind progressivism with a mix of essentialism is the best philosophy for me to follow.