CHAPTER TWO Artificial language 1. Conlangs Apart from natural languages, which naturally evolved over time, there are also constructed languages or conlangs. These are languages intentionally built by a person or group. ‘Artificial language noun, an invented language, esp one intended as an international medium of communication or for use with computers’. " (artificial language Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 06 Jan. 2015. .) They are also sometimes called constructed languages or invented languages. Simply, it is any language whose grammar and lexicon were developed by an individual creator or a group of creators. For centuries, many people have invented languages to ease communication among people from different countries and cultures. 2. Division 2.1 Priori, Posteriori and Mixed Two types of constructed languages: The first one, according to Pio Bianco “has no connection with any living tongue but is built up by an arbitrary system." (Mario Pei, 1968, 3) ‘A priori languages’ are not based on any language family or extant language and designed …show more content…
The oldest recorded conlang is Hildegard von Bingen’s Lingua Ignota, a language of 900 words created in the 12th century. The other example is “The Voynich Manuscript”- an illustrated hand-written book, which is written in an unknown language. It is dated to the early 15th century and named after Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish antiquarian and bibliophile. Another person who tried to create widely-used language was John Wilkins, clergyman and natural philosopher. An author of “An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language” attempted to create a language which was based upon “an innovative classification of knowledge, by which scholars and philosophers as well as diplomats, could communicate.” His intentions were not to replace existing languages but to make a supplement to natural
Language is defined as a "system of words formed from such combinations and patterns, used by the people of a particular country or by a group of people with a shared history or set of traditions (Microsoft Bookshelf. 1996-1997 edition)." Ebonics is a form of communication of feelings, thoughts, opinions and ideas at is being used by ou...
Language is defined as the method of human communication either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words, in a structured or conventional way. Communication is the interaction or exchange of information or news(Webster, 2013).
Language is how we express ourselves. There are many different languages in our world. Within those languages there are different dialects. Those dialects are affected by the communities that use them. People add slang or shorten words to make the language their own. This has an immense impact on how authors write. Some authors will attempt to use proper English, but often times will use words common to their community.
Verbal and written language is how people communicate with each other and encourage thoughts, achieve goals, and build relationships. Speaking a single, or multiple languages, and growing up in different setting can seriously alter the way that people speak the same language. This can either encourage diverse communication or make communication all but impossible. For the most part I speak English fluently, it is the only full language that I can speak and I developed this language growing up in a small farm town in the middle of New Jersey.
Sokolowski (1988, p.45) offers a distinction between two different perspectives for considering the word ‘artificial’ as is used in ‘artificial intelligence’. The example of light being manufactured (an action performed by humans, or by means of human technology) as opposed to light having a natural source (not from humans or effected by humans) is given, with the former referring to ‘artificial light’. Another distinguished example is that of a flower made from paper, to resemble a real flower, but it is apparent that it is not real, once again the original referring to an ‘artificial flower’. Sokolowski believes that, in contrast to the flower, the ‘artificial light’ is in essence non-distinguishable from the ‘natural light’.
Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams. An Introduction to Language. 8th ed. Boston: Thomson, 2007.
" Modern Language Association 111.3 (1996): 408-20. - "The New York Times" Web. The Web. The Web. 11 June 2013.
Works Cited Curzan, Anne and Adams, Michael. How English Works: A Linguistic Introduction. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. Crystal, David. The English Language: A Guided Tour of the Language.
Issue No. 1 -. 33, 32, and a. Vol. 1, No. 1 -. 1, 1973; no. 2, 1974. California State College, Sonoma, Dept. of Education. of the English language of the country. Roseman, Ellen.
Next, we shall evaluate the key features of language which are; communicative, arbitrary, structured, generative, and dynamic. Communicative, language can allow one to interact with another. According to Willingham (2007), the bond found with the elements in language and what they mean is arbitrary. The way language is set up shows how the symbols are not arbitrary. The set up language shows precisely how intricate it can be. Generative, one is able to build countless number of meanings from words. Dynamic, language never stays the same, therefore it can be known as sporadic. According to Willingham (2007), changes are being made all the time as new words get added and as the ways of grammar change. These elements can be quite critical when it comes to language.
Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., Svartvik, J. (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, Essex: Longman Ltd.
Slocum, J. (1984). "Machine Translation: its History, Current Status and Future Prospects ", Siemens Communications Systems, Inc., Linguistics Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
North, S. (2012), 'English a Linguistic Toolkit' (U214, Worlds of English), Milton Keynes, The Open University.
The other part of computational linguistics is called applied computational linguistics which focuses on the practical outcome of modeling human language use. The methods, techniques, tools, and applications in this area are often subsumed under the term language engineering or (human language technology. The current computational linguistic systems are far from achieving human ability of communicating they have numerous applications. The goal for this is to eventually have a computer program that will have the same communication skills as a human being. Once this is achieved it will open doors never thought possible in computing. After all the major problem today with computing is communication with the computer. Today’s computers don’t really understand our language and it is very difficult to learn computer language, plus computer language doesn’t correspond to the structure of human thought.
Artificial intelligence is defined as developing computer programs to solve complex problems by applications of processes that are analogous to human reasoning processes. Roughly speaking, a computer is intelligent