Article Review of John Bersin's article, 5 Keys to Building a Learning Organization

681 Words2 Pages

Week One

Learning Organizations are vital in assisting businesses to operate effectively. In this rapidly changing environment learning organizations acquire knowledge and innovates faster, helping the organization to thrive and survive the changing environment. Businesses that establish a learning organization create a culture encouraging and supporting the employees learning, and take risks with critical thinking, and new ideas.
Organizations that endorse learning permit staff to make mistakes and the learning process is learning from those mistakes. Learning organizations and their employees experiment coming up with the best solution and learn from the experience. Employees learn when informed by the distribution of any new knowledge within the organization and incorporating that knowledge into their daily activities. The writer will analyze an article that discusses learning organizations; summarize the conclusion and/or recommendation of the author, summarize the writer’s conclusion; and how the article applies to the writer’s organization.
In the John Bersin article, 5 Keys to Building a Learning Organization, Bersin, discusses key points for building learning organizations. Bersin begins by stating that businesses should not revert back to 1980s in building corporate universities, given that this could be expensive, with the cost of the corporate training industry is approximately $135 billion, indicating how expensive the training is. So, how do organizations minimize these costs? (Bersin, 2012).
To assist in avoiding the training costs and still incorporate a learning organization Bersin developed five key points, the five key points are:
1. Corporate learning is “informal” and HR does not own it – most business lead...

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... participation, invest in training or development opportunities, and they have the attitude “if it is not broken, do not fix it” which may make the organization less likely to thrive and succeed in the changing environment, as other organizations who have taken on the role of learning organizations. This writer would recommend to the organizational leaders to look at adopting a organizational learning environment, to not only benefit the existing organization and its staff members.

Works Cited

Bersin, J. (2012). 5 Keys to Building a Learning Organization. Retrieved from keys
Society for Organizational Learning. (n.d.). Organizational Learning the Five Disciplines for Building the Learning Organizations. Retrieved from

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