Article Outline

658 Words2 Pages

Name: Hinari Aoki Date: 11/28/17
Article Outline

What are you reporting on?
Answer: I am reporting on how music connects to your IQ

What makes this “newsworthy”?
Answer: This is interesting to me because I have wondered if it is true that music can make you smarter, and I think that other people would also be interested.

Title of supporting article:
Answer: Does Music Increase Your IQ?

Supporting quote 1: ” After examining the conclusions of the six studies, Vaughn concluded that music instruction does not increase mathematic skills. Three of the studies concluded that music instruction does increase mathematic skills, while the other three said it had no effect. It’s possible that any of the six studies were due to chance, …show more content…

Answer: you can see how the experiment isn’t accurate

Supporting quote 2: “This study also shows that it isn’t just general lessons that raise IQ, since the drama students did not show as big of an increase in IQ, which helps prove that music can make people smarter.”

How does this support your article/idea?
Answer: it shows that this experiment is accurate.

Is it true that listening/playing music can make you smarter?

Summary of the article you’ll be writing:

I will be writing about how everyone thinks that music can make you smarter and increase your IQ. Then I will state that I think that isn’t scientific accurate. And then I will write about the experiments. And at last I will wrap it up.

Thesis Statement
Most people believe that listening or playing music/instrument can make you smarter/increases your IQ but I believe that is not 100% accurate. I know that listening to classical music “increases” spatial abilities. I know that listening to music can make you relax and possibly make you focus better but I don’t think that it is scientifically accurate. Do you think that is true?

Body 1
Topic Sentence
Of course, there are experiments that can tell you that music CAN make you

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