Art Analysis: The Strawberry Girl By Joshua Reynolds

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The value of expressive art is its ability to teach and to arouse emotions in its audiences. It's important to understand, as adults, we need our emotions. Emotion is the glue that connects us to other people and the spice that keeps things interesting. Artworks can teach adults and children, how to label their own emotions and how to deal with them appropriately as they go through life. Therefore, It just seems obvious and important that we can feel sadness or pity for fictional characters.

One such artwork that can arouse emotions is The Strawberry Girl by Joshua Reynolds. (1723 - 1792) This painting is characterized as a Fancy painting, done in the eighteenth century. The painting depicts a scene of everyday life of a poor girl selling fruit, that is wrapped in her dress. Reynolds painting has elements of imagination and a story …show more content…

He knows the lighting is a very important factor in creating any mood and directing a story. By using this color tones, the art of altering mood with the dark surround the little girl, the shadow is dark and the edges are very sharp gives the image of it be night time, making the mood of the parting mood, more emotionally sad and heartbreaking. use an image of the night to create a feeling of danger and horror. Then soft colors tones of light effects mood dramatically, making her the center of the painting and allowing you to see her sad emotions. Reynolds is able to make the little girl human expressions of emotion, so realistic, the view you feel her pain and sadness. Causing a react of one's genuine sadness, pity, almost making the view anger over this little girl situations. In this case, Painting her with big gray eyes, so the viewer could see the tears in his eyes, “ speaking” to view through the eyes of this child, how wrong this little girl world is. with the red tone around her face and eyes, gave her horrid feelings in her inside, and she lost all the fun, and life in her

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