Arnold's Family Dynamic

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Arnold’s Family Dynamic Development Deb Caletti once said “That’s what people do who love you”. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable.” Arnold's parents have always supported him and loved him even when he has hydrocephalus, which in result makes him look different. Sherman Alexie wrote in “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” about a fourteen year old boy Arnold, also called Junior, who goes through many struggles as he grows up. When he reaches high school he decides he wants a better education and leaves the reservation he lives on to attend a school, Reardan, filled with only white kids. Junior makes many new friends and learns that the outside world isn't as scary as everyone makes it out to …show more content…

In the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian,” Junior’s family dynamics show his personal growth through the way he speaks of his family, and how he evolves emotionally throughout the book. At the beginning of the book, Junior's maturity level was much lower on the reservation compared to later in the book when he starts making better decisions for himself and his education. Early on in the book, Junior was always with his best friend Rowdy. There was a Powwow on the reservation and Rowdy had asked if Junior wanted to go but he was scared that he was going to get beat up and later he did (Alexie 21). Arnold went on to make mature choices for his own education and decided to go to an all white school, Reardan, where he could further his own education after talking to one of his teachers from the reservation (Alexie 42). After Junior started going to Reardan, he realized that people don’t fight off the reservation like they do on the reservation. Arnold got into a fight with one of the characters and that was when he had registered, it was not normal …show more content…

Arnold goes on to say that his dad “may have not loved me perfectly, but he loved me as well as he could” which was very mature of him because he recognized that his dad may have some issues but he still loves Junior as much as he can. Arnold’s mother was just as supportive, but also on the other hand worried greatly about Arnold. After Arnold's sister had passed away after passing out drunk in her trailer, his mother made Arnold promise never to drink (Alexie 208). The way Junior's family dynamics function and his family gives support to Junior helps with his development and later adulthood. How Arnold expresses his family dynamics and how he mentions his family members, especially his parents, shows how he grows and matures throughout the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” which later will help him become an adult. As his parents gave him the support to gain confidence and maturity, Arnold grew and developed as a person. Arnold said, “They talk to me. And best of all, they listen to

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