Arguments For Competitive Sports

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A popular debate going around right now is competitive sports. There are two sides to this, for and against. I am strongly for competitive sports. The reason because is that there is so much facts and research that also shows that competitive sports are good.
Now My first reason for it is physical exercise and health. The rate of diabetes and obesity in children is skyrocketing at fast rates, if we get rid of sports, this number will continue to be at such a high number. According to New york times, Diabetes in children has increased by 18% since 2003 (New york times page 2). This is because of new electronics. If we get rid of sports, it will only get worse, Kids will only go on video games and not be active. This results in an unhealthy lifestyle for kids. Also, webmd says that 1 in 3 children are overweight (webmd page 4). Imagine how much bigger that number would be if competitive sports were not a thing. Now people may argue that that is just a coincidence and that it is about what you eat and not your physical activity. But diabetes and obesity is also more likely to be in children who don't do sports. A research conducted at …show more content…

Kids at the age of 5-7 (The usual age of kids just starting competitive sports) are really used to winning and getting whatever they want. Teaching kids that they won't always win is just one of the many life lessons that competitive sports will teach you. (Keener page 2). This is also very beneficial because if a young child thinks they can get whatever they want, they will grow up to be very complainitive. (Keener page 6). ANother lesson that competitive sports teaches you is that you should always give everything you got. This lesson can be implemented in almost everything you do, from school work to doing simple things like cleaning. When children play sports, they give effort, and effort is what you need in everything you do. (Mac page

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