Arguments Against Ear Docking

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Argument Essay
There has been a controversy about ear cropping and tail docking on dogs for quite some time now. Even though the procedures were done for good intentions at first, it has now turned into unnecessary surgeries done on animals, especially dogs. According to the Animal Legal and Historical Center, about 130,000 puppies go through an unnecessary cosmetic surgery in the United States each year. Ear cropping and tail docking both have their risks and should not be done to a dog for the sole purpose of suiting someone’s idea of beauty.
Ear cropping is the removal of the pinnae, the visible flap of the ear, which is usually done to a puppy of six to twelve weeks old. If not done right, the dog will experience pain and discomfort after …show more content…

This procedure is usually done to a puppy that is only a few days old. It carries a high risk of post-operative infection, and causes the puppy a great deal of pain. The dog’s tail is important for balance and body language, although conversely some will say that it is not as significant. Advocates of docking argue that it “enhance a dog's safety; hunting dogs that work in ‘thick vegetation and brambles’ have a very high risk of injury to their tails.” However, those who oppose docking say that most hunting dog breeds are usually not those who have docked tails and therefore will not be at …show more content…

Boxers, Pit bulls, Schnauzers, and Great Danes are some of the dog breeds that have been subjected to ear cropping and tail docking. Show dogs, for example, also have their ears cut to a certain shape or tails deducted to meet the standard look of their breed. Some pet owners also prefer their pets to have these surgical procedure done on them to have more of the “traditional” look. Ear cropping and tail docking have been banned in many countries such as, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, and other countries. The American Veterinary Medical Association has also “denounced cosmetic ear cropping in 2008.” Even Benfield, the Pet Hospital, has stopped practicing ear cropping and tail docking surgeries since 2009. Most veterinary schools do not teach or practice these two procedures anymore.
It is cruel to cut off a dog’s body part that is used for communication just so that they can look a certain way. Ear cropping and tail docking should only be done to a dog if it will benefit them. Having animals go through meaningless pain to have a specific appearance when they do not need the surgery done for medical reasons is

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