An Argumentative Essay On What Makes A Blockbuster

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This essay is about two main points. One what makes a block buster movie. Two is the argument that the context of a blockbuster movie has to be about religion politics or some message of importance to an individuals or society as a whole or can a movie be a blockbuster without any of those points. The first thing i looked at was the financial aspect of a blockbuster because how else can you identify a blockbuster if not by how much money people spend to go see it! I looked at 7 major movie generes horror, action, drama, comedy, romance, science fiction and documentry now of course there are more but they all can be considered sub categories of these five. Ifound one of most successful category of the five is a suprise to some not to me is …show more content…

The other reason is who doesn't like a good scare. But what makes a real blockbuster in the horror category is the plot as well as the twists and turns and i think most of all originality. Now maybe of all the categories this one has the best argument that you do not need a good political or heavy plot to carry the story on although to really keep an aduience interested any coming back is how they identify with the story. Now for myself i have loved horrors since i was little girl and i am devout catholic so the stories of the soul and god were the movies i naturrally were drawn to but the scare factor of horror mmovie was just as exciting as the plot itself. The times in the story when the music would bring an air of suspense and then at just the right moment an event would happen that would make you jump out ogf your seat. I …show more content…

So either it can have a political agenda or religion but most action movies are simply about violence. So out af all the genere's this is the one in my opinion can be a blockbuster without any serious plot about any realsociety,polital or even remote moral to the story other than watching well coregraphed stunts and computer grapphics. Now some of the other genere's i mentionened romance, thrillers, and science fiction . I find is almost near impossible to make without some sort of plot with the above essayès major point of polital religion society problems as whole put into their plots period nevermind a blockbuster so i definatels disagree these generes witch maybe not impossible woulod be extremely difficult. There has to be some sort of reason for the audience to flock to these theatres other than just special effects and a lister

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