Argumentative Essay On 9/11

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Across the country, and essentially the world, September 11, 2001 has gained recognition as the day of a series of terroristic attacks on the United States. Yielding the death of thousands from the four hijacked planes at the sites of the World Trade Center ambush, crash in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, these attacks have left a momentous imprint on American soil. Every year on the anniversary of the attacks, millions pay their respect for the lives lost. One of the most noted occurrences of 9/11 was the immediate response of New York City police officers, firefighters, and EMTs to help victims in the Twin Towers. While the heroism of these men and women’s actions to save lives will always be respected every year, the actions taken by the United States after the …show more content…

Throughout the thirteen years the U.S military was stationed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq a total of 4.4 trillion dollars was spent. As of casualties, around 2,358 Americans have died in combat. Yet 48,644 Afghan people, 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35,000 Pakistani people have died since the U.S invasion, paying the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit. In the media, these civilians are still being labeled dangerous. The White House attempts to link Iraqi government to the ways of Al-Qaeda has created a stigma towards the people of Iraq. A Knight Ridder poll showcases the real thoughts of Americans, 44 percent thought “most” or “some” of the September 11th hijackers were Iraqi despite the fact that none of them were. This kind of spread of misconceptions and false information is proving to be inimical. Nowadays possessing dark skin and a beard can equate being stopped and questioned by airport security. The death of millions in a different land and a new kind of stereotype associating the Middle East to the evil schemes of a terrorist organization does not justify the death of 2,977

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