Argumentative Essay On 9/11 Memorial

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Most Americans will never forget the date of September 11, 2001. It was a tragic day in New York City that changed the United States forever. We celebrate this day annually to remember all the innocent victims and first responders who lost their lives. Five years after the planes crashed into the World Trade Center, construction began on the 9/11 Memorial. "The memorial represents a fulfillment of the collective obligation to remember the victims and to reaffirm a respect for life" (Blais, and Rasic 212). This memorial includes beautiful architecture and is visited by thousands of people every day. Even though there were obstacles to overcome during construction, the National September 11 Memorial flourished into a beautiful site with significant …show more content…

The memorial was first often criticized for the long delays that were caused by frequent redesigns. It was stated "The long delays in construction became the subject of much criticism, as did the projected cost of the project: $11 billion by some estimates, with overruns becoming common as the site's many components underwent frequent changes." The more important of the 2 was whether or not first responders and the victims should be honored in the same way. Stated in A Place Of Remembrance, was "Perhaps the most heartfelt and volatile issue woven throughout these discussions was a debate between families of uniformed personnel and those of civilians over whether or not first responders should be recognized in a unique way, distinct from other victims"(Blais, and Rasic 160-61). The two architects Michael Arad and Peter Walker as well as family members of the victim came together and agreed on one design. The memorial was dedicated on September 11, …show more content…

Included in the pools are names of all the people that died in the 9/11 attacks as well as the 6 people who were killed in the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. These names are inscribed on bronze parapets. In the North pool in 3 different groups are the names of the people who were visiting and working in the North tower, the crew and passengers of American Airlines Flight 11, and those killed in the 1993 bombing. Inscribed in the South pool in 6 different groups are the names of those who were working or visiting the South tower at the time, crew and passenger members of United Airlines Flights 175 and 93, along with American Airlines Flight 77, those who were visiting or working in the Pentagon, and all the first responders. Next to the first responder’s names are headings including which unit they worked in at their job. If there was more than 1 family member of the same family that perished, the parent’s names are inscribed above their children’s names. Also included in the memorial are over 400 trees. "These trees will never be identical, growing at different heights and changing leaves at different times, a physical reminder that they are living individuals." Perhaps one of the most amazing features is the “Survival Tree”. This tree survived the 9/11 attacks but was severely damaged. With the help of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, this

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