Applications Of IR Spectroscopy

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IR spectroscopy firstly used in 1950 by the scientist Wilbur Kaye. As IR spectroscopy is mostly used for the analysis of molecule that can easily interact with the IR radiation. As the given molecule analysis can be interpreted by:
 Absorption.
 Emission.
 Reflection.
Mainly IR spectroscopy has many of importance in the field of organic and inorganic chemistry. The functional group can therefore readily identified by their characteristics frequencies of absorption. This makes the IR spectroscopy the most useful means to obtain the structural information about the organic and inorganic molecules as it measure easily and quickly the atoms vibrations so in this result we are able to indentify the functional group in a molecule. When it is passed through any of organic compounds some of the radiations are absorbed by the molecules and are appeared as absorption bands while the radiations that are not absorbed are given as transmitted energy. As only those frequencies has the ability to absorb that match with the frequencies of vibration bond. So this spectroscopy sometimes also called as the vibrational spectroscopy. Absorption occurs when the molecules are excited from the ground state of level to higher state vibrational energy level. The energy in this released is given as heat energy and then the excited molecule. The IR spectroscopy is consisting of three regions:
Near IR region 0.8-2.5µm
Mid IR region 2.5-16µm
Far IR region 16-10³µm
A graph is plotted absorbance or transmittance vs. as ordinate against wavelength or wave number. The maximum transmittance occurs at the top of the scale of spectrum and minimum on the absorbance spectrum.
Applications of IR Spectroscopy

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...onomical results about the sample quality.
Industrial uses of IR spectroscopy
In contrasting to IR spectroscopy also used in industries as topography of optics, also widely in mapping the images of chemicals. For example the carbon dioxide which clinically examines or used as reference or ascription technique and tuning routines are capable of getting exact CO2 contentment alteration. As the ascription technique is used by zero adjustment control for testing or examines the entire sample by giving 0% and also by another composition of carbon dioxide in the sample. Usually the given gases are compressed which include the composition of oxygen about 96% and remaining 4% of the carbon dioxide.
IR spectroscopy in astronomy:
The IR spectroscopy the region mainly the near IR is used in astronomical acquisition knowledge in which the atmospheric environment is studied for

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