LM3- Principles of Fluorimetry

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This experiment was conduct to investigate the fluorescent behaviour of Leucophor PAF and to investigate the quenching of QBS with NaCl. It was found that the Leucophor PAF indeed satisfied the characteristic to act as whitening agent. It was also found that the quenching of QBS with NaCl was a diffusion-controlled collision process. Fluorescence measurement provides very important information about the photochemistry of a particular molecule. The first part of this experiment was dealing with the fluorescence behavior of a Leucophor PAF. Information from both spectrophotometry and fluorimetry was used to measure the quantum yield as well as to explain why Leucophor PAF was use as commercial optical brightener. The second part of this experiment dealing with fluorescence quenching of quinine bisulphate solution (QBS) is the presence of sodium chloride. Absorbance was defined as: log I_o/I where I_o is incident light and I is the transmitted light. Fluorescence emission spectrum is different from fluorescence excitation spectrum because it records different wavelengths of chemical s...

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