Anxiety Essay

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Anxiety is defined as a diffuse, internal, loose floating tension that doesn’t have a real danger or an external object. There is also a significant difference from the notion of fear. Fear usually has an outer object (a real fear of a snake, height or an unreal fear, when the danger is just imagined). Anxiety does not have an external object or external danger but has an internal danger. Internal danger can be some intrapsychic conflict, impulse unacceptable to the ego, suppressed thoughts, etc. Data from a Western country of 25 million people say that combined anxiety disorders affect 12% of the population: 9% of men and 16% of women over a year.
Anxiety is divided into a normal and pathological disorder. Normally experienced anxiety …show more content…

Panic Disorder - is characterized by the sudden occurrence of spontaneous and unexpected panic attacks of intense anxiety or fear that is tracked by somatic signs such as palpitations, tachypnea.
Phobias - Distorted and persistent fear of clearly recognizable objects or situations (flying, height, animals).
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Persistent recurrence of memories of the traumatized trauma (flashbacks), persistent intimidating thoughts, nightmares, rage or irritation in response to a terrifying experience that threatened physical injury or occurred to it (rape, child abuse, war, natural disasters ).
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Obsessions (Forced Thoughts): persistent thoughts, ideas, urges or images that are against will. People with forced thoughts usually try to ignore or suppress such thoughts or to oppose them with other thoughts or actions (compulsions). Compulsions (forcible actions): repetitive behavior (hand washing, arranging or checking) or mental actions (prayer, counting or repeating words) that occur in response to forced thoughts or occur in a ritual

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