Annotated Bibliography On Wellbeing

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Data collection

This study would be the first of its kind in Australia, so it is exploratory research and will therefore use qualitative data. Qualitative data would be the most appropriate type of data to collect, as this research requires a detailed understanding of the participants’ experiences. As psychological and emotional wellbeing are subjective terms, this research is interested in the meaning of these terms for the participants rather the researcher’s understanding. The participant’s would also be able to describe their experiences using their own language in depth, increasing the validity of the research. This is particularly beneficial when studying children, as they often have different perceptions and understandings to adults and a simpler level of language.

The data will be collected by semi-structured interviews in a private rented room in a local library. The interviews would take approximately one hour and would be conducted over a six-month period, due to potential issues with finding participants. Once the participants have been chosen and parental consent has been obtained, the …show more content…

This will enable a comparison to be made with the children of heterosexual parents, to see whether a parent’s sexuality has influenced their wellbeing. These children will be asked these questions afterwards to try and minimise primacy effects. If questions about their parents sexuality and parenting abilities where to be asked first, this could influence the children’s answers on the wellbeing questions. They may attribute their wellbeing to their parent’s sexuality more readily than if they had not thought about it. Questions such as “Do you feel that your parents sexuality has an influence on how you feel?” and “Do you feel that your parent’s sexuality has effected how well they look after you?” would be

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