Annotated Bibliography On Leisure And Quality Of Life

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Annotated Bibliography
Journal Annotation
Leisure and quality of life in an international and multicultural context: What are the major pathways linking leisure to quality of life?
Iwasaki, Y. (2007). Leisure and quality of life in an international and multicultural context: What are major pathways linking leisure to quality of life? Social Indicators Research, 82(2), 233-264.
The author Iwasaki conducts the research on leisure and quality life. Affiliation of this author is the Department of Therapeutic Recreation, College of Health Professions Temple University, Suite 313, 1700 North Broad Street, PA 19122, and Philadelphia, USA.
The article gives consideration to the different cultural context around the globe. To show the differing qualities of our social orders, cases are presented particularly from three socially one of kind settings in this paper. A few illustrations are drawn from other social gatherings in worldwide and global connections, especially, in non-western settings. This research by Iwasaki helped me to work and analyze my research paper regarding the context of the meaning of leisure.
The term leisure means the free time when one is not occupied with anything and this time is merely for enjoyment. Moreover, the condition when one is having a free time out of the everyday demands of work. Recreation is the activity which makes the person refreshed by means of some activities which he/she chooses to pursue in the leisure time for the purpose of having pleasure. The term play can be described as the involvement in the voluntary and intrinsically motivated activity for the purpose of enjoyment and ...

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...arguing its intending to social order, people, and society. On the other hand, as this book will demonstrate, amusement, parks, and leisure administrations have turned into a critical piece of government operations and an essential system component of charitable, business, private-participation, helpful, and different sorts of offices. Today, entertainment constitutes a significant constrain in our national and nearby economies and is answerable for a large number of employments in such fluctuated fields as government, travel and tourism, well known excitement , health and work out regimes, leisure activities, and participatory and onlooker sports. Past its esteem as a type of amiability, recreation additionally gives significant individual profits regarding gathering physical, enthusiastic, philosophical, and other paramount health-related requirements of members.

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