Annotated Bibliography

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Agnihotri, R., Kothandaraman, P., Kashyap, R., & Singh, R. (2012). Bringing "Social" into Sales: The Impact of Salespeople's Social Media Use on Service Behaviors and Value Creation. Journal Of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 32(3), 333-348.

The increasing use of social media has created a huge opportunity for organizations. The source draws on the existing literature on relationship marketing, task-technology fit theory, and sales service behavior to design a social media strategy for business-to-business sales (B2B). The framework directs how tools found on social media platforms help salespeople accomplish service behaviors that lead to “value creation.” This source is used in the final paper to describe the steps companies take in advertising on social media.

Bradley, R. (2013). Instagram's ads are at odds with Instagram itself. Fortune.Com, 1.

The article discusses advertising on Instagram alone. In the author's view, advertising on Instagram could have a negative effect on the company if done incorrectly. The article mentions that every social media site is different and therefore the marketing technique is different for each site. The author also discusses some negatives to social media marketing. This source will be used in the final paper to show that a company cannot use the same strategy on every social media platform.

Bronner, F., & de Hoog, R. (2014). Social media and consumer choice. International Journal Of Market Research, 56(1), 51-71. doi:10.2501/IJMR-2013-053

The research found in this source describes the relationship between the keywords users search for on search engines and the advertisements that follow those keywords. The social media cataloging structure used is built on two dimensions: first...

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...mouth. Through the process of sharing content, a specific network of contacts is drafted. A specific network of contacts is the key to effective social media marketing. This journal includes lots of number that will be used in the final paper to describe business-to-business sales performances.

Schlinke, J., & Crain, S. (2013). Social Media from an Integrated Marketing and Compliance Perspective. Journal Of Financial Service Professionals, 67(2), 85-92

Industry professionals are required to meet standards set by the state and federal government. The article discusses the four key things financial services employees need to know when structuring a social media game plan. This source is used in the final paper to describe the financial side of social media marketing. The article is a great source for describing how companies kick-start their social media marketing.

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