Pros and Cons of Social Media

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According to Nair (2011), “The social media property on the web is exploding and fast becoming a necessary part of the arsenal of any organization. It took 38 years for the radio to attract 50 million listeners, and 13 years for television to gain the attention of 50 million viewers. The Internet took only four years to attract 50 million participants, and Facebook reached 50 million participants in only one-and-a-half years. Facebook, which was originally designed for Harvard students and launched in 2004, has become a phenomenal example of social engagement. By 2009, Facebook had already achieved 100 million monthly active users covering age groups from 13 to 65; by the end of 2010, there were more than 500 million users. (p. 46) With so many people connected through social media and since businesses are dependent on people to thrive, they have been impacted both positively and negatively. Nair (2011) states, social media can be described as online tools where content, opinions, perspectives, insights, and media can be shared. Some people create content, while others lurk, observe, or disseminate content. At its core, social media is about relationships and connections between people and organizations.(p. 45) Due to so much information being shared through social media it has changed the way businesses interact with their business partners or vendors, businesses have also started to create new product because of the information that is available to them through social media, thus attaining higher profits. At the same time, because of social media and the amount of information that is shared through these services, businesses have been put in a position where they must be careful how they operate to keep their reputation and na... ... middle of paper ... they are on the move. Since American businesses now need to be more careful of their actions and behavior so should the employees that work for those organization. Works Cited Nair, M. (2011), Understanding and measuring the value of social media. J. Corp. Acct. Fin., 22: 45–51. doi: 10.1002/jcaf.20674 PAVITT, H. (2012). No Place to Hide: New technological advances in Web 2.0 and Social Media may force organisations to improve their corporate social responsibility. Social Alternatives, 31(2), 22-26. PIKE, G. H. (2011). Fired Over Facebook. Information Today, 28(4), 26. Pooja, M., Black, J. E., Jiangmei, C., Berger, P. D., & Weinberg, B. D. (2012). The Impact of Social Media Usage on Consumer Buying Behavior. Advances In Management, 5(1), 14-22. SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media Mishaps Cost Firms $4 Million in 2010. (2011). Information Management Journal, 45(6), 18.

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