Animals: Off The Menu Or Should We Feed Them Up To Suffer?

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Once King Lear turned to the blind Earl of Gloucester and asked, “How do you see the world?” The Gloucester replied, “I see it feelingly” Shouldn’t we all? The fact is, that eating meat is criticised on health and is considered as ethically wrong. So, with all these negative consequences of eating meat you would think that actions are being advocated. Animals must be taken off the menu.

Animals must be taken off the menu because; today nine million animals will be killed in slaughterhouses. The human race today, will have the blood of nine million cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and sheep on their hands. These animals will scream in terror, in cages, small sheds and slaughterhouses- vile confinements of utter despair. How can slaughter ever be humane? Due to these ghastly prisons we call slaughterhouses the level of cruelty that animals are victims to have become demoralised as ‘causality’. Evidently, these animals will suffer from physical and physiological pain. They will suffer for you own beefing and selfish pleasure.

We are enslaving these animals.

Controversial principles such as racism or sexism are the attitude of bias to the members that are similar in race or gender. However, humans are not the only victims of this atrocity; innocent animals are victims of Speciesism. According to the English oxford dictionary speciesism is the assumption of human superiority. Are we exploiting them for our own needs? It goes without saying that, the need of food and water, compassion, shelter and prevention of pain are desired by you and the animals that you kill. When we ache, we ache as equals. The killing of a whale in terms of pain is equal to that of a child.

Who gave you the right to slaughter?

Incidentally, our Planet is al...

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In contrast, several claim that meat has been an essential part of human evolution. Meat is found in the ancestral diet; it has been said to be apart of the human evolution for 2.3 million years. The dense portion of protein was essential for the development of the human brain. Nevertheless, according to the American Dietetic Association, a vegetarian diet can meet the protein requirement for a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, the Human anatomy has evolved and can support a vegetarian diet.

To conclude, by taking animals off the menu you can aid the environment, feed the starving population and end cruelty, we shouldn’t be “loving it!” It is wrong to murder at our peril. Justice must be blind to race, religion and species. You must speak for those with no voices. In the words of Paul McCartney, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.”

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