Ancient Greek Depression

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When people think about mental health problems the first thing that they would think about is anxiety and depression since according to research, majority of the people globally who are suffering from mental illness are commonly diagnosed with these two. As stated previously it’s not uncommon to be diagnosed with depression to also suffer from anxiety disorders or vice versa. Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness worldwide however these two are not alike. Depression or also called depressive disorder is a condition where a person suffers from a mood disorder which involves inability to do something, feeling of worthlessness and restless almost every day, showing no interest to take part of anything, lost or gained …show more content…

During Ancient Greeks and Romans time depression was initially called “melancholia”. Their first understanding of depression was that it’s cause by a demonic possession and it’s more of a spiritual or mental illness rather than physical. On the latter part when Ancient Greeks and Romans were divided because of their own thinking about the causes of depression a Greek physician named Hippocrates II proposed that mental illnesses and personality traits were related to the imbalanced or balanced of body fluids which he called the humors – the yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood. It was said that each humor is equivalent to a particular organ – the brain, spleen, lungs, and gall bladder – which is said to be related to a particular personality type – the sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, and choleric. He also classified mental illnesses into three categories first is mania, second is melancholia or depression and the third is phrenitis or the inflammation of the brain. According to Hippocrates, melancholia was caused by either too much or lack of black bile in the spleen - …show more content…

It may look like just a normal feeling but with people suffering from anxiety disorders it can be disabling. Anxiety disorders are mental illnesses that involves more than excessive fear and worry that when it becomes irrational and interfering with your normal life it can be harmful. Anxiety develops because of numerous causes. There are several factors to consider on what’s the root of anxiety base on researches but the real cause of it hasn’t been understood. A study have shown that anxiety can be inherited. When anxiety develops before the age of 20 it’s possible that a close relative suffers from anxiety as well. Biologically, the most popular research of genetics being the cause of anxiety is the studies on twins conducted by medical researchers they have found out that there’s a bigger chance to have panic disorder which is under anxiety disorders when you have a twin or a relative who also has it. But then according to studies the environment, traumas from a traumatic event, peers even parenting can takes place in developing anxiety. There are different types of anxiety first is the most common – Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) people with GAD find it hard to control their overly concern about things. They anticipate threats or danger for no apparent reason. Second is Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder people who suffers from OCD experience the need of doing something and

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