Analysis of the Poem A Prayer in Spring by Robert Forst

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Many people view spring as a season of tremendous beauty, which it is, though people never take the time to thank the creator for the majesty he has put into our world. This poem talks about the fact that we, as people, would like to have a spring without any struggle or wrong doings. We must enjoy the simple things in life. Just as spring passes just as the joyous times in our life may pass. We are asking God to give us the perfect spring and in return we will give him our thanks. In the poem “prayer in spring” by Robert Frost, the importance of living in the moment and being grateful for the gifts God has blessed us with is expressed through the use similes, metaphors, and imagery. Frost uses a plethora of figurative language to help express the theme of “A Prayer in Spring”. Two very strong similes are used in this poem. Near the beginning of the poem Frost uses the simile “[a]nd give us not to think so far away/ as the uncertain harvest” (lines 2/3). Here thinking so far away is being compared to the uncertain harvest. From my perspective “so far away” is speaking of the future, which is an unknown and unpredictable place, just as the uncertain harvest is. If a harvest is uncertain it means that it is unknown as to how it will turn out. The harvest may never strive to fulfill its full potential therefore it is unpredictable. Going back to this quote Robert Frost is trying to say that it is important to not think about the future and live in the moment while enjoying the gifts God has given us. “Oh give us pleasure in the orchard white/ [l]ike nothing else by day, like ghosts by night” (5/6) this quote is not only a simile used to describe the orchard but it is also an antithesis. First the orchard white is compared to nothing ... ... middle of paper ... ...positive way, but Frost make a point of it to show the bees as something “happy”. The poem sees the bees not as something chaotic but just as creatures going about their daily routine. Through the use of similes, metaphors, and imagery Robert Frost shows us why we should be thankful to God for all that is the beauty of spring. Frost utilized all of those literary devices to further the central message in the poem. This poem can also show us to be thankful for the beauty and majesty of the spring. It sends a positive message about life, and reminds us that everything is in Gods hands. This poem clearly shows our dependency on God and our gratefulness for his creations. Works Cited Peters, Tim. "Analysis of a Prayer in Spring." By Tim Peters. N.p., 1 July 2008. Web. 2 Dec. 2013.

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