Analysis of the Key Concepts of the Film Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore

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Analysis of the Key Concepts of the Film Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore

In this essay I will be analysing all the key concepts of this film,

“Fahrenheit 9/11” by Michael Moore, it is an untypical film in the

genre of a documentary. This film generates controversy and political

debate that has changed people’s views about President Bush following

September the 11th 2001 disaster and the election process. This

Documentary is a determinedly truthful, shocking, scathingly funny,

intensely thought-provoking and thoroughly entertaining. Moore uses

his characteristically sarcastic humour and uniquely persistent style

to launch an unflinching inquiry into the Bush government’s foreign

policy. Combining rare footage, expert testimony, and his fight to

find answers to complicated questions, Moore takes on all issues

facing America in the year when this film was made. He produces very

sceptical views about President George W. Bush in the way Bush ignored

the Saudi connection to 9/11 and instead rushed headlong towards war

on Iraq.

Michael Moore gives us the impression that everyone is against

President Bush, in the way he is presented, looking ridiculous, almost

like a childish character. The way the atmosphere changes from Bush

working, to when he is on holiday gives the impression that he doesn’t

care about the American people and it questions his responsibility as

a leader. Not only is he portrayed as a ridiculous character but also

as a devious cheater who used his family connections to his advantage.

I don’t know if this is a fair and accurate representation but it is a

very convincing one because of the use of this rare evidence that w...

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The fact that Michael Moore interviewed Britney Spears would have

appealed to the younger generation. Age, gender and background would

influence people’s reaction and evaluation to this text, also a

person’s preconceived opinion of Mr Bush prior to seeing this

documentary. In my opinion it appears that George Bush is still

popular with some of the people however he is portrayed as a figure of


I think this documentary has got positive value in that it has

highlighted many aspects that everyone should be aware of i.e. Bush’s

connections with the Saudi’s and the vast profits from oil and the

apparent alteration of certain documents from his army career. Also

the visible recordings and disruptions of fighting in Iraq

highlighting the horror’s of war and the desperation of the mother who

lost her son.

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