Analysis Of Where's Your Sweet Spot By Daniel Coyle

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Where’s your Sweet Spot?
Do you want to be an expert? I know I do and with Daniel Coyle’s book, it is now easier than ever to learn faster. Coyle’s discussion of deep practice inspired me to apply these methods to my own life and to practice deeper. I discovered that I have already practiced deeply in some ways and it has greatly helped my learning. For example, I learned more about physics, efficiency and buoyancy through building (and eventually sinking in) a cardboard boat than I learned from reading it in a book. Coyle’s study really inspired me because his methods work in a variety of ways and work better than normal methods. Although Coyle’s methods enhance learning, they are hard to understand, they are specific requirements and it does not account for all success. “The Sweet Spot”, a chapter from Daniel Coyle’s non-fiction book, The Talent Code, gave examples for and briefly explained the concept of deep …show more content…

Coyle describes that deep practice can apply to everyone. Also, he uses many extreme examples to show deep practice can be used in a variety of ways. For example, in “The Sweet Spot”, Coyle voices examples including, a Brazilian boy trying to learn a tough soccer move, a Texan girl trying to sing a song better, and the pilot training simulator that Edwin Link invented to help pilots of the U.S. Army Air Corps learn how to fly. Further, deep practice increases problem solving skills and makes a person think smarter. By focusing on what the person is not doing well, he or she is problem solving, trying to fix the problem and fixing the problem makes it a skill. Thus, struggling is an integral part of deep practice. Deep practice is an unexpected way of learning because people learn from their mistakes. Mistakes are the opposite of how they are normally thought of. Mistakes are good and actually lead to a better outcome. Talent is an achievement that can be created by deep

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