Analysis Of The Horstmann Technique

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The Horstmann Technique
The Horstmann Technique is a simple, non-invasive bodywork therapy that releases physical, emotional and mental blockages. In use throughout the world, the technique was developed and clinically tested by Australian natural therapist and intuitive, Trish Trowbridge. It draws on the theory that old traumas and negative experiences lodge in the cellular memory of the body – particularly in the sacrum, shoulders and feet. These energy blocks can cause postural misalignment, imbalances in biochemistry and behavioural responses as well as disharmony in the body’s subtle energy system. These conditions can predispose us to further illness and accidents.
What can it do for you?
Physically the technique improves joint and muscle flexibility, back pain and hip misalignment. At the emotional level, old patterns can be broken and new behaviours formed. With blockages being released, remarkable change can occur. The nature and depth of release is in the clients hands.
Which release process do you need?
Horstmann Ileosacral Release
The Ileosacral release is the primary process for treating lower back pain and stiffness. It realigns tendons and ligaments of the hip area. It is an effective therapy that often produces positive results for structural problems and energy blocked in the lower back and sacrum. It frequently gives immediate pain relief.
This potent process is ideal for treating symptoms relating to unacknowledged stresses located in the sacral area with clients often reporting an increased sense of wellbeing and calmness.
Horstmann Arm & Shoulder Release
The Arm and Shoulder Release technique helps relieve common pain and stiffness in the muscles, tendons and joints of the shoulder girdle. It is especially goo...

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...ple around the world, as a deeply transformative tool.
It is an energy clearing process to help move ancient ancestral information encoded in the chakras and subtle bodies. Release occurs from unconscious sources into the conscious body/mind and very old memories and unusual sensory awareness frequently emerge. Often these memories have been locked into the cellular memory of the body/bodies for a long time.
People speak of a re-empowered focus after experiencing the process in terms of personal courage to do and to be. Further testimonials include: the freeing from the loop of poverty consciousness, long-term health inhibitors and challenging family patterns.
The process is gentle yet powerful, working through the chakras and specific energy points. Many people have reported significant positive life changes within three months of receiving one of these sessions.

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