Analysis Of The Fighter's Mind

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I chose the article "The Science of Developing Mental Toughness in Your Health, Work, and Life" by James Clear because it clearly connects to the theme of my book "The Fighter's Mind" by Sam Sheridan. Clear's article looks into the mental toughness in your health, work, and life; directly relating to the theme of Sheridan's book which is all about mental strength and strategies of fighters, extreme athletes, and those on the edge. Clear says in his article that "research is starting to reveal that your mental toughness- or "grit" as they call it- plays an important role than anything else for achieving your goals in health, business, and life. " This is the exact same sort of thing Sheridan finds as he travels, interacts with these athletes, …show more content…

He says "it wasn’t strength or smarts or leadership potential that accurately predicted whether or not a cadet would finish the Beast Barracks. Instead, it was grit - the perseverance and passion to achieve long - term goals - that made the difference." The cadets who made it through the Barracks seem to have the same mental attitude and strength as the successful athletes Sheridan documented in his book. Sheridan spends the book diving into each athlete's mind that he encounters mind to get any information he can on what makes them so great. Clear goes on to explain when mental toughness is useful, what makes someone mentally tough, and how to build mental strength. Although they are not exactly the same, these two sources connect very well with the theme of mental strength and strategies. Things Clear talks about in his article only reiterate Sheridan's findings. These two sources really help the reader to understand mental strategies as well as mental strength are vital to success in everything you …show more content…

There is a lot that stands out in the book but there are a few quotes taken from the book that really set themselves apart as well as summarized the lessons learned throughout the book. One is " Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, I acquire the ability." Sheridan travels the world talking to successful athletes to give the reader a piece of their mind, so they can to be successful. This is some of the best advice you will ever receive. It not only speaks volumes about the key to success but also sum up Sheridan's findings throughout his journey. Every single one of the athletes or coaches he interviewed believed in themselves. They would say they could do anything. Nothing negative left their mouths. That's what mental strength is and that’s why they are so successful. The book applies a lot of this motivation to sports but it all applies to anything and everything. Another example from the book, that is a very important part of understanding what lessons you can take book is "Mental toughness is learned. It is not a skill that everyone has, or is born with. There are people that are born tougher mentally, or figure things out earlier in life. But if you have motivation you can have mental toughness, it's just about what your body gets used to

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