In the short story “The Cheater’s Guide to Love” by Junot Diaz, the author pinpoints on the Yunior’s life as a writer and college professor who is also struggling with his romantic relationships. The short story is filled with his experiences of using women for his beneficial needs and how it negatively affects him. It focuses on Yunior’s downfall through life after the destruction of his relationship with his fiance. The diction includes the narrator’s hateful consideration of women and a paradox of his own endeavors which prevent him from pursuing a meaningful relationship, but he grows to realize that he treats women awfully and his ex did the right thing by leaving him due to his untruthfulness.
To begin, the reader is introduced with
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Yunior starts to become conscious of “what a f*cking chickensh*t coward [he is] and admits to be “astounded by the depths of [his] mendacity” (14). Yunior realizes that he is selfish and inconsiderate towards the feelings of other women. Yunior is shocked of himself and his tendency to lie. He notices that his lying and cheating ways can really hurt women and he feels bad about himself. After a long time of suffering, the narrator finally gains a true understanding of his wrongdoings. The protagonist is filled with regret with the way he treats women and the fact that his cheating ways gets him nowhere. He confesses the truth that his ex “ did the right thing” by leaving him (14). Yunior starts to register that he is unable to ever get over his ex fiance and he regrets cheating on her. He is saying that he does not deserve her because all that he ever gave her were lies and deceit. She is fortunate enough to be able to escape the pain and hurt that he brought along with him. This creates the central idea that cheaters are the ones who really play themselves. The narrator expected that his cheating manner will be beneficial to him, but it is like a slap to the face. Cheating does not get you anywhere in life and only brings suffering in the end. He now understands that when you do something bad, bad things will come back to you. What goes around comes back around. Achieving a lasting relationship comes …show more content…
Although, he tries to better himself, Yunior’s awful treatment to women prohibit him from attaining a significant connection with them. His dishonesty erodes his strength, health, and his relationships with not only women, but his family and friends. Yunior realizes that his own heartbreak was his own fault due to betraying his fiance. His language of objectifying women only makes the reader see how disrespectful he is towards females. His words and actions towards his past lovers make him regretful and guilty for the hurt he put them though. He becomes aware of the fact that he lost someone precious which leads him to feel remorse for himself. His chaotic love life forces him to understand that he is horrible in the way he treats and views women, the relationship with his ex fiance was a real learning experience for him, and cheaters never
Prompt #3: “Most often, literary works have both internal conflict (individual v. self) and external conflict (individual v. individual, society, nature, or technology)”.
Now, in modern times, affairs seem to be a natural phenomenon of daily life. They are popularly seen in movies, novelas—soap operas and also expressed through literature. Although they are conventionally characterized as passionate and exciting, they can also catalyze a lot of thought and uncertainty for the individuals involved. “Migration” written by Rosa Alcala is a poem that takes a different approach in describing what an affair is. In her poem she rather focuses on describing the stressful cognitive affects that occur as a result of being involved in an affair. Through figures of speech, persona and images the author is able to establishes the feeling of the poem as cautious uncertainty.
Brockmeier’s short story represents a damaged marriage between a husband and a wife simply due to a different set of values and interests. Brockmeier reveals that there is a limit to love; husbands and wives will only go so far to continually show love for each other. Furthermore, he reveals that love can change as everything in this ever changing world does. More importantly, Brockmeier exposes the harshness and truth behind marriage and the detrimental effects on the people in the family that are involved. In the end, loving people forever seems too good to be true as affairs and divorces continually occur in the lives of numerous couples in society. However, Brockmeier encourages couples to face problems head on and to keep moving forward in a relationship. In the end, marriage is not a necessity needed to live life fully.
to disconnect from each other and their cultural values. Yunior, the narrator, explains how he and his family were immigrants from the Dominican Republic. The lived in New Jersey and were invited to a party in the Bronx in New York City. The father creates disconnection in the family because of his strong connection to his cultural values. His culture taught him to be patriarchal, promiscuous, and authoritative. These qualities, in excessive use, destroyed his family furthermore Yuniors childhood.
Has there ever been a time where you have experienced true love, but everything was not what you expected? You thought everything was at the forefront but there was a deeper meaning to things. Well in the poem “First Love: A Quiz”, A.E. Stallings introduces you to the deeper side of things. This poem doesn’t consist of many literary devices, but Stallings uses her choice of words to make the reader give thought to the text, and to the story being told of Persephone and Hades. The structure of the poem also helps to better understand the actual meaning of the poem. As you read this “quiz” everything gets very abstract and your options become harder and harder to choose from.
... has most likely has never actually done any of this. This guide is probably just compiled from the different things he has heard from other people, He has probably heard the things from the people he is trying to impress and be accepted by, possibly his dad, uncle, or other boys in his neighborhood. He may have felt like he had to do these things because he believes everyone else is, that in order to be ‘cool’ you must have sex. Yunior is ashamed of everything that he is. His parents and heritage, his looks and his race. This short story is also suggesting that not only are girls pressured into having sex, but boys are pressed as well. This is why he makes up stories in order to sound experienced, so that he can have something in common with the people he wants to accept him.
Pandaro’s influence on Trolio is so resilient that it somewhat changes Trolio’s way of thinking, and behavior which test him to do things he normally wouldn’t do. Trolio who doesn’t believe in love or ever been in love finally witness firsthand the experience of the passionate feeling and vows to keep it to himself because he do not want to be made a fool of. Pandaro being the sweet influential talker gets Trolio to open up to him what is causing him so much agony and distress. Pandaro states “if your friendship is now, as it used to be, a pleasure to you, disclose to me what cruelty it is that makes you care so much to die; it is not the act of a friend to keep anything hidden from his friend” (40) He uses the friends never keep anything hidden from each other saying to get out of Trolio what constrained him so much that of which is love. But Pandaro still being inquisitive wanted to know who the person is his friend has fallen in love with. He states “perhaps she who torments you will be such that I shall be able to do a lot for your pleasure, and I would satisfy your wish, if I could more than I would ever my own if only I may hear who she is for whom you have this pain. Rise up; do no...
This is How You Lose Her is a book written by Junot Diaz consisting of short stories, told by the protagonist, Yunior. Yunior’s character is described as the Dominican guy who struggles with infidelity and unable to love others full-heartedly. Diaz also shows how in Dominican culture; men carry the reputation of being womanizers and usually is pass from one generation to the next. Throughout the book, he tells us stories pertaining to the relationships he had with the women he had in his life, and his family. From the stories one can assume that Yunior, caught up in a vicious cycle was destined to follow into patriarchy; a father who cheated on his mother, and an oldest brother who followed
Love and affection is an indispensable part of human life. In different culture love may appear differently. In the poem “My god my lotus” lovers responded to each other differently than in the poem “Fishhawk”. Likewise, the presentation of female sexuality, gender disparity and presentation of love were shown inversely in these two poems. Some may argue that love in the past was not as same as love in present. However, we can still find some lovers who are staying with their partners just to maintain the relationship. We may also find some lovers having relationship only because of self-interest. However, a love relationship should always be out of self-interest and must be based on mutual interest. A love usually obtains its perfectness when it develops from both partners equally and with same affection.
“Like a river flows so surely to the sea darling, so it goes some things are meant to be.” In literature there have been a copious amount of works that can be attributed to the theme of love and marriage. These works convey the thoughts and actions in which we as people handle every day, and are meant to depict how both love and marriage can effect one’s life. This theme is evident in both “The Storm” by Kate Chopin and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman; both stories have the underlying theme of love and marriage, but are interpreted in different ways. Both in “The Storm” and in “The Yellow Wallpaper,” the women are the main focus of the story. In “The Storm” you have Calixta, a seemingly happy married woman who cheats on her husband with an “old-time infatuation” during a storm, and then proceeds to go about the rest of her day as if nothing has happened when her husband and son return. Then you have “The Yellow Wallpaper” where the narrator—who remains nameless—is basically kept prisoner in her own house by her husband and eventually is driven to the point of insanity.
Many short story writers have written about the gender and role of woman in society. Some of these stories express what Barbara Walter calls, “The Cult of True Womanhood” meaning the separation of both man and woman in social, political and economic spheres. In order to be considered a “true woman” woman were to abide by the set of standards that were given to her. Women were expected to live by the four main principal virtues - piety, purity, submissiveness, and domestication. In Kate Chopin’s short story, “The Storm,” Calixta the main female character breaks away from “The Cult of True Womanhood” when she has a sexual encounter with her past lover Alcée. The storm goes through many twists and turns that tie with their adulterous actions. Although she breaks away from the four main principal virtues, she in the end is considered to be pure innocent of heart because the action in which occurred happened instantly, and as white as she was, she was taken away from her innocence.
The novel “This Is How You Lose Her”, by Junot Diaz, consist of multiple short stories that connects with the main overall story and character. All of the story, except for one, is narrated by the main character, Yunior. Yunior was once a bookworm but began leading down the path of uncertainty, and multiple love affairs that many times ruined his relationships. Although the story has some focus on his family affairs, everything would always tie back to love lost. One chapter focused on his families struggle to live in the US. It exemplifies that every human being does not like being alone. Yunior definitely had a thing going with Ms. Lora. Theoretically, the relationship that Yunior had with her had put a strain in his lust for a “secret” type
A world that demands perfection is only more likely to create imperfections. In the article “Who’s Cheating Whom?” written by Alfie Kohn, he deconstructs cheating in school from why students cheat to the underlining cause. He sheds light on the fact that cheating could in fact be mainly caused by the environment our culture has created for students. Cheating is most often seen in situations where students find what they’re learning to be boring or something they have no interest in. Many social scientists also believe cheating is a result of both the educational system and society valuing and rewarding the high grades over actual learning and teaching. Due to this competitive environment created in school
The article, “Measurement of Romantic Love” written by Zick Rubin, expresses the initial research aimed at presenting and validating the social-psychological construct of romantic love. The author assumed that love should be measured independently from liking. In this research, the romantic love was also conceptualized to three elements: affiliative and depend need, an orientation of exclusiveness and absorption, and finally a predisposition to help.
Throughout the entire story the main character puts on this front that he is an average teenage boy, a boy whose ultimate goal is to be a player to impress his friends, while in reality he is a very sensitive and sweet boy who is still trying to find himself. It is evident that Yunior is ashamed of where he comes from and who he truly is, which is why he has certain steps he must take before he has his date over. He uses stereotypes about how women of different races act in order to make assumptions on their behavior and how the date will end. I believe that when the narrator gets older he will become more comfortable with who he is and where he comes from. Once he does find himself, he will outgrow this phase and instead of trying to fit in he will learn to treat the women he dates with