Analysis Of Successful Mistresses Do What Wives Won T

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“Successful Mistresses Do What Wives Won’t” by “Sheeri Mitchell,2010” is a statistical study conducted to men and women ;who had engaged on sexual affairs of their, on insights into the behavior successful mistresses engaged in that wives typically do not. There are some valuable lessons wives could learn from “The Other Woman” when it comes to taking care of the husband. Mistresses Initiate Sexual Contact The man is a pursuer. When a wife pursues her husband sexually, however, it proves to him that she finds him attractive and desirable. It seems husbands enjoy being found attractive and desirable at least as much as the wives do. That’s why mistresses rain them with compliments or what called “a little boost” to make the husband happy. …show more content…

Mistresses Know What’s Going on at Work It’s surprising how many wives have no idea what their husbands face professionally for better or for worse, many men define themselves according to what they do for a living. Wives should know how that part of their man’s life is progressing, if for no other than to intercede on their behalf. Mistresses (Sometimes) Buy Gifts and (Occasionally) Picks up the Check If like most couples, the money comes from a joint account anyway. But the gesture of paying however is no less sweet. If the wife pays from her own account or allowance, then so much the better. Mistresses Invest on Their Appearance Between carpooling, grocery shopping, washing clothes and wiping noses or butts, who has time for a shower, let alone a spa day? Sometimes simply putting on a nicer pair of earrings, choosing the t-shirt with fewer permanent stains, or painting on clear gloss, constitutes the investment for the day. The point is to put on something, or to do something for the wife. That makes the wife feel more feminine, more beautiful, and more confident.
Mistresses say Yes to Sex More

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