Analysis Of SPIN Selling By Neil Rackham

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SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham is a hugely influential book that argues the importance of asking the right questions in the sales conversation.
Customers will only be motivated to buy something if they identify there’s a need and because there are times when prospects are not even aware there’s a problem, the questions you ask are key. This book describes a powerful sales process that reveals four types of questions that when asked in sequence, will significantly increase the likelihood of a lead translating into a sale.

Lots of businesses struggle to close enough deals because their selling strategy and sales techniques are not customer-centric. Instead of understanding the buyer, and presenting a solution from a buyer’s perspective, too much …show more content…

To be honest, I always found need-payoff and implication questions quite similar.
Implication questions are sharing the negative side of the problem, and need-payoff questions are sharing the positive side of fixing the problem.
Some examples of need-payoff questions:
• You said that a single new client is worth $100k per year to your business, is that right? o So, if I were able to help you win one new client, then that would be worth a lot of additional revenue?
• If you get this new project out the door, then that is going to remove a lot of roadblocks for your other marketing campaigns?
SPIN Selling Implementation: -
1. You research the prospect before the call to get as much of an understanding of their business as possible
2. You open the call and position it with “I first want to ask some questions about your business to make sure this is a right fit.”
3. Start with situation questions to get a lay of the land
4. Continue with problem questions to understand the need
5. Use Implication and Need-Payoff questions to share the consequences and benefits of changing
6. Pitch your service as the solution that fixes everything you just

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