Analysis Of Never To Dream Of Spiders By Audre Lorde

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Essay #1: Poetry Analysis The writing style used in Audre Lorde’s poem, “Never to Dream of Spiders” is so unique, it can be read and interpreted in many different ways. In my perspective, loss, sadness, and healing are the major focuses. This poem goes deep into the mind of a woman going through heartbreak. It begins with a break up and ends with her finally accepting it, and becoming happy again. Starting with the first stanza, she speaks of how her days are going by without purpose. Nearing the end, she finds a way to her happiness again. Between all of it, she grieves but also reminisces and realizes that she should be happy even with a heartbreak occurring. The symbolism shown throughout the poem supports my belief of the poem being about a woman and heartbreak. …show more content…

Her days are going by without purpose. Symbolism then begins to show dramatically following with lines 5-7, “my eyes are blocked with rubble, a smear of perspectives blurring each horizon.” The word rubble signifies the wrong that was involved in her relationship and the phrase “blurring each horizon” signifies that she couldn’t see past all the wrong until now. The second stanza immediately shows symbolism starting with the first few words. Line 10 begins with, “Once the renegade flesh was gone.” The use of the phrase, “renegade flesh” within this poem symbolizes the person who was causing the hurting. Renegade involves synonyms such as: traitor, deserter, and rebel, thus contributing to the meaning behind the phrase. Then throughout the rest of the stanza, the woman resumes talking about her time slowly going by until she begins to completely give up on

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