Analysis Of Lie In The Book 'And Then There Were None'

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A lie is a false statement said for the reason of showing off, not wanting people to know the truth or just simply because they are used to lying. Everyone has lied at least once in their lifetimes but telling a lie won’t hurt anyone but yourself in most cases. People can believe the lies a person says and it can end up going south for the liar and they can end up facing consequences. There are many types of liars such as a Compulsive, a Pathological, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar. In the novel “And Then There Were None” Phillip Lombard and William Blore both lie in the novel, them lying shows that they were hiding something from the start. Many can say that people should lie if they have a good reason too, but really, they should not because it goes against religious views and it can lead to other lies and have a snowball effect. …show more content…

In the Bible lying is a sin and it is displeasing to God. Many people lie not know that it is a sin or knowing that it is a sin but they don’t care or they are just used to just lying they don’t realize it. A real-life example is my brother, George he is religious and he lies occasionally. He knows that lying is a sin but he does it anyway. For example, when he gets home my mother asks him if he has homework and he says no but he ends up having homework and he doesn’t do it at all. But his lies are not lies that can put him in danger. Another lie that I’ve seen was on a documentary about O.J. Simpson he lied to the court, officers, and even his own family and friends saying that he did not kill his wife but the evidence clearly showed that he did. That lie was big and it put him in danger. Some lies can end up being bigger than others but still it is sinful and it can go against religious

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