Analysis Of Joan Chittister's The Gift Of Years: Growing Older Gracefully

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Joan Chittister’s The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully was originally published in 2008. In the two chosen chapters, one can easily recognize an important message being shared, and can apply that information to their daily life. The message that can be taken from the chosen readings revolves around a person’s legacy, and the importance of make a significant, final mark on the community around them. When a person begins to reflect on their life, they can create a meaningful legacy, whether it be a material or immaterial one, and establish a state of peace during the twilight time. Discussion Legacy When it comes to legacy, Chittister believes there are material ties and immaterial ties. A person’s legacy is what is left behind after …show more content…

During the twilight time, most people take the opportunity to evaluate the life they have lived, and identify any changes that may want to be made. They reflect on the good and bad that has occurred, and keep in mind the type of legacy they want to leave behind. By reflecting on what was done yesterday, or even ten years ago, they are given the chance to make a difference today. Some questions people may ask themselves are “What significant meaning does my life on Earth hold?” and “Was that really as important as this is …show more content…

After reading the chapter about the twilight time, it makes one reevaluate the meaning they want their life to have. Chittister’s audience varies in age, from teenagers and young adults to elderly individuals. As a twenty-five year old reading the words of Chittister, it can be believed that her words provide wisdom, allowing individuals to make a change in the world. It is important to treat everyone with kindness, and remember that time can be cut short at any given time. The twilight time is an important time for those that see death in their near future, and allows those to seek redemption when they feel it is needed most. But for those who do not get the opportunity to visit the twilight time, they deserve to feel like their legacy will be lived on. Those individuals deserve to leave the world feeling like their mission has been completed, and their loved ones know how much the community meant to them in their own

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