Analysis Of Catharine Mckinnon Feminism Marxism, Method And The State

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The readings by Catharine McKinnon “Feminism, Marxism, Method and the State” and Sheila Jeffreys’’ The Industrial Vagina’’ address the topics of Feminism and Marxism. Marxism, feminism, and heterosexuality are theories of power because they generate inequality. Marxism deprives one the ability to work and feminism deprives one from their sexuality and all its entitlements. As a result, these terms delineate both accounts against the conception of lack of power. Furthermore, such deprivation is an infringement of Human rights.
In the reading; Feminism, Marxism, Method and the state by Catharine McKinnon, she contends that both Marxism and feminism illustrate how social arrangements of inequality can be viewed as internally logical yet they are
Where she raises up the question; Is male dominance a creation of capitalism or is capitalism one expression of male dominance? Is there a relationship between the power of some classes over others, and all that of all men and over all women? (Pg. 3). In my view, I would like to point out that capitalism feeds on a pre-existing system of oppression which is patriarchy. Historically speaking, the man has always been the supreme authority of the family. Authority is power. Women must take on all the tasks related to maintaining and reproducing the workforce and the family. As for men, they are always supposed to be the main economic purveyors. For example in the workforce, women’s rights are undermined by a thousand government tricks. In other words, when the capitalists need extra labour, they call upon women whom they pay less than men, which has the side-effect of dragging down wages generally. This means that the State is forced to provide services to facilitate women’s jobs or allow them to offload some of their responsibilities. Then when they no longer require women’s labour, they send them home, back to their “proper place” in patriarchal

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