Dell Erp Essay

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ERP Individual Assignment
Marco Arvioti
Prof Mr Van Gastel

Introduction and ERP

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning ( "enterprise resource planning").
It is a management system that integrates all of a company's relevant business processes such as sales, purchasing.
In an era when the cost of the added value increasingly important percentage of the cost of raw materials, to increase efficiency and profitability it is not enough to buy at the lowest price, but it is absolutely necessary to optimize all processes corporate organization, and this can only be achieved by introducing Computing software that eliminates waste and errors.

The first step is to avoid that the organization is "broken", or divided …show more content…

Dell should manufacture highest quality products.
The fourth one is Deliver: in this step company gets order and customer should be satisfied with the product delivered and it should be done in time limit. Here dell gets some issues as it does not have any distributors to deliver its products.
Return: if the product is delivered company should have distributors to check it out for the customers. As dell does not have any distributors it should make the return process as easy as possible for the customers.

2. How has Dell influenced visibility, consumer behaviour, competition, and speed through the use of IT in its supply chain?
Dell focuses a lot on the inventory and holds much time of it in its supply chain which this would show the visibility.
Dell should also concentrate in its consumer behavior, this is a very important step in identifying the needs and wants of the consumer.
Nowadays it is a crucial part of the business to involve researches in the consumer behavior.
As shown in the case study DELL is the fastest company in producing due to their advanced technology.
DELL is as well trying to to do their best in working to catch up the success in the …show more content…

According to Mr. Dell “Dell get closer with its large customer by using “Premier Pages” which is a paperless ordering process for configuration, ordering, services, support, and customized PCs according to customer’s need”
Explain how an ERP system could help Dell gain business intelligence.
Using ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is essential in making decisions for companies, in this case DELL. DELL is known worldwide and the demand is so enormous for this company that the monitoring of orders and the reductions of waste and stock is very important to have always profit.
Therefore to keep its customers happy, they must use ERP to help them plan for the future. Instead of having departments work individually, ERP helps them interact and help each other for the good of the company.
By using this system, the communication between all departments will get better which in turn could save the company time and money. By having everybody communicating they could speed up the process of getting their products to the customers quicker, this would give even a faster delivery than now even though they are already the fastest

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