An Analysis Of The Ghent Altarpiece

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What does the Ghent Altarpiece celebrate?

Polyptych- An altarpiece made up of more than three sections.

The Ghent Altarpiece (began by Jan’s older brother Hubert Van Eyck; although the majority of artwork was done by Jan himself) functioned as a polyptych with 24 separate panels. The subject of the Ghent Altarpiece is the commemoration of the fall to the redemption; or rather, the rise of Christianity, the fall of Christianity (sin), and then redemption (Christ's sacrifice that saves mankind).

Our book states “The entire altarpiece amplifies the central theme of salvation”.

(In the sources cited, I could pick a few sentences from each and claim them as my own to make a splendid presentation. But they are not my own, and the question is pretty simple as is the answer. I could also research this for hours upon hours, as I have been known to do, and surely make it my own. This time, I will follow the advice one of my instructors said to his class here at CCC: “Keep it simple, stupid”).

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