The Importance of Foreign Relationships to the United States of America

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The Importance of Foreign Relationships to the United States of America With the world balancing on the edge of destruction, foreign relationships are extremely important to the United States of America. The United States is fully recognized as the most powerful nation on the planet earth, and with that power comes a definitive sense of responsibility. The U.S. needs to pay close attention to this responsibility if it hopes to keep its place on the throne as king of the nations. This is where the United States foreign policy comes into play. Foreign policy is essentially positive or negative interaction with other nations as well as the goals and principles that are included. The United States have a couple of choices concerning their position; they could play the part of world leader or the part of world loner. Let's look at the viewpoint of an average college student whose knowledge of world affairs is somewhat lacking and then discuss the possible positions the United States can take in regards to their place in the world. I will also go over an example of each and get a grasp of what our government's two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, say about these. The main purpose of every countries foreign policy is to survive and stay stable in today's world. It is policy that provides a strong national security, keeps a good economy with other nations, and it is a chance to provide influence in the world; but above all this is the want for international peace. One of the main ways to conduct good foreign policy is that of diplomacy, where nations negotiate and compromise problems they might have in order to get along. By these diplomatic relations, countrie... ... middle of paper ... ...ymbol of freedom the United States of America would become. They didn't know that one day, this nation of rebels would have the responsibility of maintaining order in the world we live in. The government has an obligation to Americans to keep them in touch with other nations, not only for our sake, but the sake of the world. As the superpower on earth, we should make foreign policy an important aspect of our governing. In the winter of 96/97 Bill Clinton gave a profound speech to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. He summed it up best with this, "We cannot save all the world's children, but we can save many of them. We cannot become the world's policeman, but where our values and our interests are at sake and where we can make a difference we must act and we must lead. That is our job and we are better, stronger and safer because we are doing it".

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