An Analysis Of Lupe Fiasco's 'Words I Never Said'

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Speak Out In Lupe Fiasco 's song "Words I Never Said," he collaborates with Skylar Grey to bring awareness to hard topics that no one wants to converse about, by expressing his own emotions, supplying factual evidence, and challenging the credibility to back up his statements. Throughout the song, Fiasco gives his opinion on subjects he finds important, like conspiracy theories, terrorism, and drugs. After rapping about all these issues and more, Fiasco explains, why it is important to stand up and talk about the unfair and unjust problems in the world, instead of being afraid of what people think. Fiasco 's purpose of the song is successful because he exemplifies the feelings that the audience can relate to and uses metaphors, alliteration, and facts to explain his reasoning. He succeeds in persuading his audience, by bringing up his own judgments on real life events, supporting those judgments with …show more content…

He raps, "Dude is dating so and so blabbering bout such and such – And that ain 't Jersey Shore, homie that 's the news – And these the same people that supposed to be telling us the truth" (17-19), to show how laughable our press 's prime concerns have evolved into. Fiasco goes as far as to compare the dramatic, reality television show, Jersey Shore, to the news as to make the point that all that is in the news now is dramatizations of the truth. Fiasco uses alliteration when he raps, "I 'ma part of the problem, my problem is that I 'm peaceful" (23), to elaborate on how the real problem about violence is not violence itself but how people will not speak out about the violence because they want to be "peaceful." He tries to emanate why the idea of being peaceful and being silent is not the same thing and admits that he himself is responsible for it

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