Amphetamines Research Paper

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I learned quite a bit about amphetamines in my forensics class, but the topic interested me so much I decided I wanted to look a bit further into it. I wanted to know things like why people feel a need to take them knowing they have severe side effects, some of which might even be long term. I was interested in finding how these people get a hold of them, how they’re made, what they’re used for, the side effects they bring upon use, what treatments are used for these symptoms, and what these people experience when taking them etc. In my research, I will be answering all these questions I have on amphetamines, and maybe even learning some extra information while doing so. Amphetamines are drugs that were first discovered in the 1800s and …show more content…

Similarly, athletes welcomed the drugs as performance- enhancing panaceas in postwar years. Around 1950, family doctors embraced amphetamines as psychiatric medications for their distressed patients, cemeting the notion that depression was both commonplace and easily treatable. Moreover, amphetamines were hailed as breakthrough in weight loss and enjoyed enormous success as diet pills, helping to transform obesity into the mencing through preventible and treatable epidemic that medicine views it as today (Rasmussen 3). Today, the use of amphetamines for medical assistance is very common, and as I mentioned before, it aids in many disorders, however, some people don’t neccesarily need the drug for medical purposes. People may simply take it instead as a method of getting high, this would now be considered illegal amphetamines which are not prescribed for medical treatment rather sold in labs for pleasure. People who purchase illegal amphetamines feel the need to use them in order to feel relaxed or to forget about their problems for a while and just be happy. Users experience the “thrill” of a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, blood vessel constriction and sweating. The illegal amphetamines, molly, for example makes the user feel as if they can be open, accepting, unafraid and connected to the people around them. The drug effects are stimulated by visuals, sounds, smells, and touch which bring pleasure to the consumer, and is the reason so many people are attracted to the drug ( Feelings of relaxation and clarity are reported. People using molly experience heightened sensations and want to intensify these feelings by dancing, talking and touching. Whether they are used legally or illegally they have some negative side effects, both long term or short

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