Amoebae Essay

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My favorite organism is amoeba. Amoebae (plural amoeba) are protozoans that belong to Amoebozoa kingdom. They consist of single celled organisms that have no definite shapes. These organisms are categorized as protist, a group of neither animals nor plant. Because Amoebae are mostly very tiny organism, microscope is needed to observe them while some are large enough to be observed with naked eyes. The most widely known Amoeba is probably Amoeba proteus. It sizes approximately around 0.028 inches (0.7mm) that is visible to naked eyes and the largest would be about 1mm. Amoebae can typically be found in fresh water like pounds, rivers, wet soil and around decaying vegetation. Some others exist in the human and the animal systems that include species that cause serious disease, for example, amoeba called the amoeba naegleria, as known as brain eating amoeba that live in warm water. They can infect you and slowly destroy your brain tissue and the result almost always will be the death, however, the majority of amoebae are harmless to humans. Interestingly, the name of Amoeba comes fro...

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