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Advantages and disadvantages of traditional school
Disadvantages of traditional school
Advantages and disadvantages of traditional school
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Chapter 2
Why Alternative Schooling?
Now that we have arrived at the definition of the alternative and the traditional forms of schooling, we need to question why there is a division. There is a division because there is a requirement to be better than the current situation. This chapter explores why we need an alternative.
We attend school to attain education. Let us explore the meaning of education. ed•u•ca•tion [ej-oo-key-shuh n] noun The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
For making the argument easier to follow, let us divide this definition into the following parts -
1. Imparting or acquiring general knowledge
2. Developing the powers of reason and judgement
3. Preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
Assuming that the best way to develop reasoning and judgement is by interaction with those whose views differ from yours – traditional schooling defeats that purpose of education altogether. Let us see how. We have already addressed the idea that children are not all the same. We cannot have a classroom with 20 children and all of whom can cope with the teacher. With the definition of classroom in the previous chapter kept in mind, let us try to remember what it is like to be in the classroom. Since the environment is so teacher-centric, the child remains unable to speak through the lesson till the teacher allows them to. Usually by the end of the lesson, the child would have forgotten the doubt it had in mind.
Even if the child does have doubts, the quality of doubts is always questioned by the teachers and its peers. While curiosity is ideally encouraged...
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...two and three in one particular school struggle to read individual words, but can neatly copy entire paragraphs from their textbooks into their notebooks.
This problem can be solved when the children can relate to what they are studying. If they realise that they need to look beyond concepts and understand the ideas behind them, they will be able to appreciate and apply the concepts better. Let us take the previous example of the rural children being unable to relate to the concept of their parents going to offices. This concept can be replaced by the concept of occupation. We can explain how different people go to different places of occupation and those who don’t are considered unemployed. This not only explains the concept more easily to children, but also helps them understand the concept of unemployment. This idea can be applied outside a rural set-up as well.
This article points out the flaws in our modern education systems. Students should enjoy school and feel as though they are learning important things in the subjects offered. The classes can be altered to tend to the interests of children, so they can properly express themselves. School should be preparing children to be mature, how to handle hard situations, and ultimately prepare them for their future lives. Overall, Gatto’s article has its flaws, but it can be used to help improve the education system for upcoming
It’s no surprise that there are faults within our schools in today’s society. As both authors’ point out if our educational system is
Throughout this term I learned so much about young children, anti-bias education, developmental growth and so much more. Education is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly; these are development steps of a young child that could help determine their future. Children need to be guided emotionally, academically, mentally and emotionally. Parents teach their children practices and their beliefs to help the child get ready for the world. Parents and teacher should always be involved in a child's learning process, despite of their values or beliefs. Everyone cultures are different, and how they expect their children to behave is different too. As adults, and teachers, we can’t have a set mindset on what we only believe in because, there is always
Would you consider going to a school where you learn year-round? Maybe this would be your ideal school, but, when would you get to have some time to go to summer camp, or get a summer job, or play a sport with games during the day? Schools with the traditional schedule may actually be a better choice, and not just because kids love summer break. Schools should have a traditional school year schedule instead of a year round schedule because there isn’t a significant difference between the students’ performance, and year round schedules make planning family vacations hard, make the teachers’ job more difficult, and are more expensive. Also, having a summer break allows kids to participate in activities that they would not be able to do on a year round schedule due to the shorter breaks.
Children are important because they are the future of a country. So, education for children is necessary and compulsory education can make sure most of children can be educated. In the past, Chinese didn’t have enough money to execute compulsory education. After doing much effort, compulsory education was executed in 1986. The compulsory education system causes many effect and issues.
There comes a time in person’s life when their must make decisions that will further go on to impact their life vastly. For many, that decision is whether to further their education or not. For those who do decide to further their education, they must choose which type of schooling is best, college or vocational schooling. Vocational schooling may appeal to those who are looking for an alternative and less expensive form of education. College, the more standard form of education, gives students the ability to have more flexibility since a variety of careers can be open to them from the major they choose. Both forms of education have its advantages and disadvantages, while benefiting the future of the student in the long run.
Education (2008) agreed that collaboration and argumentation will help children in building their knowledge as they reformulate the ideas based on their intuition. Wellman (1990) as cited in Edition (2003) mention that “Children begin in the preschool years to develop sophisticated understandings (whether accurate or not) of the phenomena around them”. This understanding is one of the foundations that realize, children are able to integrate new concepts and information then construct new knowledge.
What do you think about going to school year round with little breaks here and there, but not your traditional three month summer break? Year round schooling has been a decision argued with the government, teachers, principals and parents. Many kids and adults like to relax on their three month break. Many students are used to having two week winter break, one week spring break, and three months of summer break. Overall, one three month break would benefit than having three-week breaks broken up throughout the school year.
...n essentials that teachers should undertake to help maintain a healthy constructivist classroom. It is important to hold a belief that learning is restructuring of thought rather than an increase in content, and reconstruction or recall will reflect that particular ‘schema’ of the child. They also believe that the use of cognitive conflict promotes the consolidation of concepts. The use of ‘wrong’ answers also helps students analyse their thinking in order to retain the correct elements and revise their misconceptions. Promoting social interaction, peer friendships and co-operation, also increases their interest and comprehension in learning, as well as improve the child’s conflict resolution skills.
Let them do the teaching Some kids love it and some kids hate it; walking through the busy hallways occupied by students and facilities, rushing to get to their next class before the bell rings, with strict rules and dress codes, just the feel of the public school atmosphere is pleasing to them. For the ones that don’t, just wish that they could be in the comfort of their own home, being bothered only by their own parents to get work finished, rather than four or five different teachers, not having to be on a tight schedule, allowed to be who they want to be and not who the school makes them out to be. This feeling convicts the parents just as much as the students, only wanting what is best for their child. Education is an important and essential part of life today, but does it matter how it is received or where it is obtained? Either being in a public environment taught by a certified teacher or in the comfort of their home being taught by their parents; where does the importance lie?
I knew very early in life that I enjoyed working with children; I am drawn to their eagerness to learn, their trusting nature, and their inquisitive minds. It has always been a joy for me to be around children, who are eager to learn. Children are thrilled when an adult takes time to read to them. After hearing a story only a couple of times, they are like a tape recorder set on replay. Their thirst for knowledge is overwhelming. At the elementary level, children also tend to have a very trusting nature. They rely heavily on their elders for guidance. Most children are very honest with their feelings and don't try to hide them. This is a crucial time in a child's life; it is a time when teachers and parents should be molding them for the future. It seems their minds are always working on something which makes them extremely inquisitive. Their curiosities seem never to be satisfied. Children are always asking "why?" even when they know the answer. The inquisitive child wants to know the how's, when's, and where's of everything.
IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. An IEP is a written document required for each child who is eligible to receive special education services. It is provided to a student who has been determined first to have a disability, and second, to need special education services because of that disability. An IEP is very important and should never be overlooked by anyone. The purpose of an IEP is to make sure that only students whose educational performance is affected by a disability receive special services. An individual program plan is designed to make sure that students get the kind of educational experience that they deserve; an experience that results in success. The end goals for students who are on an IEP are to be involved in
It is important to note that it is a right for the children to have a quality education. In this aspect, reasonable learning environments are a critical factor contributing to children education. All parents want their children to have an access to quality and better education. In the quest for such, parents always seek learning environments with competent teachers and better learning facilities. It is therefore, common to see parents always having a choice to make between taking their children to public schools, private school or have the children taught at home. Different opinion about home schooling and public school has recently been a subject of contention. Either way, the two forms of learning should offer the learning child with a better education. Nevertheless, each of the two forms of learning environments should be supported by valid arguments as discussed below.
A place where naïve kids can be molded is at school during class. The head authority for schools that monitors and controls what the kids are learning are the school district. They gather topics and lesson that they think is essential to the kids. Then they pass it to the principal and the principal passes it to the teachers. The principal reinsures that the teachers are teaching what the school districts wants. However to the